schubertzhang / jsketch

A Java project skeleton for newbie developers of Java project. Includes the basic Buildfile(for ant) and Shell-scripts.

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A Java project skeleton for newbie developers of Java project. Includes the basic Buildfile(for ant) and Shell-scripts.


1. A simple structure for a new java project.


2. Building (build.xml)
   A simple buildfile for Apache Ant.
   # clean all build generated files.
   ant cleanall
   # compile java
   ant compile

   # package jar (default!)
   ant package

   # javadoc
   ant javadoc
   # make distribution packages
   ant dist


   User customization:
   Just modify file to define your app.version and


3. Shell-scripts (bin/*)
   In the bin directory, there are some shell scripts to make up the script-stsrem.
   This script-system make up the run-environment.
   This shell script to set the configuration of the project.
   This shell script to launch a local daenom.
   This shell script to lanuch a daemon in a cluster, the cluster nodes are defined in conf/nodes.
   This shell script to execute command in a cluster, via SSH.

   * bigdata
   This shell script to execute any user defined Java class.

   This shell script to let user to set/customize environment setting.
   Usually, the user only need to modify this file for his/her specific platform.


   This shell script is a template for setting user-customized options for a daemon.
   User can define his/her own such files for his/her daemons.
   ** helloworld-service
   This shell script is a template for writing a user daemon's start/stop script, include start/stop in a cluster.
   Use can write his/her own such files for his/her daemons.


4. Configuration
   Log4j configuration file, it can use the varianbles defined in the script-system.
   Apache common-logging configuration files.

   Define the node ipaddr/hostname of the cluster, one by line.

   jmxetric configuration file. jsketch integrated jmxetric to make it easy to integrate JMX and Ganglia.


5. Examples to use jsketch
   (1) Download jsketch and build it
       $ ant

   (2) Run the HelloWorld class
       bin/bigdata com.bigdata.jsketch.HelloWorld Just do it
       This command will display following:
          _____________        _________      _____        
          ___  __ )__(_)______ ______  /_____ __  /______ _
          __  __  |_  /__  __ `/  __  /_  __ `/  __/  __ `/
          _  /_/ /_  / _  /_/ // /_/ / / /_/ // /_ / /_/ / 
          /_____/ /_/  _\__, / \__,_/  \__,_/ \__/ \__,_/
                       /____/   HelloWorld2
        Hello World!
        args[0] = Just
        args[1] = do
        args[2] = it.
    (3) start|stop the HelloWorld daemon local or clustering.
        bin/helloworld-service start | stop | start-cluster | stop-cluster
        Check logs directory to see the log files of the HelloWorld daemon.


6. Done
   It is a very simple skeleton to develop, build and run(local or clustering) java project.
   Enjoy it.

Schubert Zhang 2010.10.1


A Java project skeleton for newbie developers of Java project. Includes the basic Buildfile(for ant) and Shell-scripts.


Language:Shell 84.6%Language:Java 15.4%