schoolpost / PiDNG

Create Adobe DNG RAW files using Python. Works with any Bayer RAW Data including native support for Raspberry Pi cameras.

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RPICAM2DNG() not converting mode 2 High Quality Cam

dgcarr opened this issue · comments

Get the following error when trying to extract raw DNG from photos taken in mode 2 on rpi high quality camera
(raspistill --mode 2 -r -o test.jpg):

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\daggy\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-packages\pidng\", line 267, in convert
rawFrame = self.process(image, process)
File "C:\Users\daggy\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-packages\pidng\", line 232, in process
rawImage = self.extractRAW(input_file)
File "C:\Users\daggy\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-packages\pidng\", line 195, in extractRAW
assert data[:4] == 'BRCM'.encode("ascii")

Can you send a link to this RAW image?

The reason for this error because even though you are using mode 2 RAW, the jpeg file is still creating a 4056x3040 sized image and therefore PiDNG assumes it is full size RAW. ( which is the correct assumption based the jpeg )

So two ways around this:

  1. Make the JPEG output the same dimensions as the RAW output ( so 2028x1520 )
  2. Edit the EXIF data of the jpeg and change the ImageWidth and ImageLength to 2028x1520
  3. Edit the PiDNG source and set the version variable to version 4.


    Lines 178 to 183 in 30bee22

    if int(str(self.__exif__['Image ImageWidth'])) == 2028 \
    and int(str(self.__exif__['Image ImageLength'])) == 1520 \
    and ver == 3:
    ver = 4

So you could add a line and just set "ver = 4"