schenkd / nginx-ui

Nginx UI allows you to access and modify the nginx configurations files without cli.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Proposal for Revamping Project with Updated Package Versions and RHEL Compatibility

mohamedtaee opened this issue · comments

Hi @schenkd,

I'm interested in contributing to this repository and enhancing its functionality. In my current role, I primarily work with Flask, and I've been looking for efficient solutions to update Nginx reverse proxy configuration files.

I have a few suggestions for improving this project:

  • Upgrade to Flask 3.0.x: This will ensure compatibility with the latest features and improvements in Flask.
  • Package Updates: Revamp the project to use newer versions of other dependencies for better performance and security.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Compatibility: I am also keen to make this project compatible with RHEL, including using the Podman alternative to Docker, to provide more flexibility for users.

I'm ready to start working on the changes and submitting pull requests if you're open to these changes. I noticed the last activity from you was in April 2023, and I would love to help keep this project up to date.

Looking forward to your response.
