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Listing products and tools using

danbri opened this issue · comments

Historically we have been perhaps over-cautious about linking from to products that use However even for the management of the vocabulary it would be good to have good examples and URLs of products that use Whether these end up in the main site or not is something for the steering group to figure out, but I'm going to collect a few links here anyway.


Screenshots and docs




Big +1 to building and maintaining a list of data consumers. This will be very useful for webmasters seeking practical examples, and for marketers looking for use cases.

Some more to add:


Pinterest Rich Pins - all Rich Pin types (Article, Movie, Product, Place and Recipe) can use


iOS 9.0 - for iOS 9 Apple's web crawler, Applebot, indexes annotated web content that mirrors app content to produce rich Spotlight and Safari search results, and in this supports the classes AggregateRating, Offers, PriceRange, InteractionCount, Organization, Recipe, SearchAction and ImageObject


Google+ Platform - Google+ preferentially uses the name, image and description properties in rendering a Google+ snippet

Related: a collection of sites publishing

(comment from @inetbiz respectfully deleted - this isn't the place to be comparing corporate offerings)

Thanks @danbri and @shankarnat . Needless to say (looking again at the marking-up-your-site... page, which hasn't changed, I think, since information was added to it) we all look forward to the day, if it comes, when Bing adds JSON-LD support. :)

Not exactly a product but here's an hour-long presentation from @chaals of Yandex on from mid-2014. Thanks @chaals :)

I'm told uses

Yes, is a bookmark manager which allows people to work with the data on websites and uses to do that. It takes all the schema data it can find and displays it (after it got a little bit cleaned up and normalized) as good as possible. Like If there is a video it gets embedded and if there is location information it displays a map. Users can then sort and filter by and property.
If a page does not contain data users can click together a parser by themselves to add support.
Hope that is helpful!

Netflix uses to expose its catalog to search engines (i.e. provides this to non-logged in users, like Google).

E.g. (Canadian IP, and so the /ca/):

{"@context":"","@type":"TVSeries","url":"","contentRating":"TV-MA","name":"Bloodline","description":"When the black sheep son of a respected family threatens to expose dark secrets from their past, sibling loyalties are put to the test.","genre":true,"actors":[{"@type":"Person","name":"Kyle Chandler"},{"@type":"Person","name":"Ben Mendelsohn"},{"@type":"Person","name":"Sissy Spacek"}],"dateCreated":"2015-3-20","numberOfSeasons":3,"startDate":"2015-3-20","awards":"Australian actor Ben Mendelsohn won an Emmy for his masterful performance as troubled brother Danny Rayburn.","trailer":[{"@type":"VideoObject","name":"Bloodline (Trailer)","description":"The Rayburns are the pillars of their Florida Keys community. But they have secrets -- and those secrets are about to come home.","thumbnailUrl":"","duration":"PT2M19S","contentUrl":"","uploadDate":"2015-02-09T18:30:00.000Z"},{"@type":"VideoObject","name":"Bloodline: Season 1 (Recap)","description":"The Rayburns: a close family in an idyllic setting. But when Danny comes home, he brings along the family's dark past. Life ends up far from perfect.","thumbnailUrl":"","duration":"PT3M40S","contentUrl":"","uploadDate":"2016-04-08T14:30:00.000Z"},{"@type":"VideoObject","name":"Bloodline: Season 2 (Trailer)","description":"The Rayburn siblings thought they'd carefully covered their tracks. But dark truths have a sinister way of seeping out in the most unexpected ways.","thumbnailUrl":"","duration":"PT2M15S","contentUrl":"","uploadDate":"2016-05-27T07:00:00.000Z"},{"@type":"VideoObject","name":"Bloodline: Season 2 (Recap)","description":"Unable to silence Eric, who can implicate the Rayburn siblings in Danny's murder, John flees the Florida Keys. Kevin's confession to Marco goes badly.","thumbnailUrl":"","duration":"PT4M10S","contentUrl":"","uploadDate":"2017-05-19T17:00:00.000Z"},{"@type":"VideoObject","name":"Bloodline: Season 3 (Trailer)","description":"After Kevin's confession to Marco goes horribly wrong and the Rayburns' web of lies threatens to unravel, Roy offers to help -- at Eric's expense.","thumbnailUrl":"","duration":"PT2M6S","contentUrl":"","uploadDate":"2017-05-05T15:30:00.000Z"}]} has some (apparently buggy) markup examples from Apple regarding their WatchOS. /cc @betehess

Ozymandias, "a biodiversity knowledge graph of Australian taxa and taxonomic publications", says that "the knowledge graph is implemented as a triple store where the data has been represented using a small number of vocabularies (mostly with some terms borrowed from TAXREF-LD and the TDWG LSID vocabularies)"

New Zealand health insurance company Southern Cross Health Society "have been introducing the new generation of 'semantic web' tools and techniques into our core systems ... using, JSON-LD and Hydra." They employ for data models and mapping, and have built systems using the Action and Event types.

As of 28 Aug. 2018 the Brazilian legal and legislative information portal LexML "have implemented for a subset (15,000) of the legal acts passed by the Brazilian Federal Parliament since 1822", with plans to generate for the remaining 200,000 legal acts soon. "After that, any new legal act passed by the Brazilian Federal Parliament will automatically be implemented with"

Research Data Australia announced on 11 Sept. 2018 that they have made their records available to Google Dataset Search.

Google Dataset Search uses the open metadata standard,, to accurately index datasets on the web. Research Data Australia also uses the standard to provide optimised metadata to web search engines, which means Google Dataset Search can seamlessly retrieve search results.

The Environmental Data Initiative on 25 Sept. 2018 announced that they have "just released an experimental implementation of the and metadata to support search engine discovery and indexing."

For EDI, the sitemaps metadata points to the most recent data package landing pages accessible through the EDI Data Portal and is refreshed hourly. ... The dataset metadata provides a recognized and consistent vocabulary of dataset attribute information for search engines to index, thereby improving the overall user experience when searching for data packages on the Internet.

A Facebook catalog, which "contains information for all items you'd like to advertise in your Facebook ads", can be created (once the Facebook pixel has been installed) using the Open Graph Protocol, or by using microdata- or JSON-LD-encoded Product and Offer information, as per the instructions on this page:
Create a catalog with the Facebook pixel

The displayed image shows the results of running Facebook's JSON-LD example through the Google Structured Data Testing Tool.


The third release of Springer Nature's SCIGraph "includes a complete refactoring of the SN SciGraph data model. Following up on users feedback, we have simplified it using and JSON-LD, so to make it easier to understand and consume the data also for non-linked data specialists. ... is now the main model used to represent SN SciGraph data."

Some time last year we added NewsArticle and BreadcrumbList to news articles on GOV.UK, e.g. the NHSX: new joint organisation for digital, data and technology news story outputs JSON-LD related to the schema properties. We'll be looking at other schemas over the next few weeks, so I'll endeavour to write a blog post about what we've added.

Further to the above, here's the schemas we've added to our publishing gems.

For Google search products, this page turns out to be useful quite often -

@stevenjmesser (belatedly...) - that's great! nice tool :)

@stevenjmesser (belatedly...) - that's great! nice tool :)

Haha, I think we've added a couple more since this time last year! Think the Data Labs team have been using the definitions internally in the knowledge graph too, after @Aaranged showed us his team were doing that.

Almost all of the yandex links are broken.