schellingb / UnityCapture

Streams Unity rendered output to other Windows applications as virtual capture device

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Is there any way to change the name of the virtual device?

Straafe opened this issue · comments

Is there any way to change the name of the virtual device from "Unity Video Capture" to another name we could choose? Or is that built into the DLL's and not changeable?

Hi there

I just had a few free minutes so I added a new option to the filter registering and a new InstallCustomName.bat file to use it.

If you want multiple devices with a custom name you need to combine what the two .bat files are doing.

You can even custom name each by registering them in reverse order like:

regsvr32 "UnityCaptureFilter64bit.dll" "/i:UnityCaptureDevices=3" "/i:UnityCaptureName=UVC THREE"
regsvr32 "UnityCaptureFilter64bit.dll" "/i:UnityCaptureDevices=2" "/i:UnityCaptureName=UVC TWO"
regsvr32 "UnityCaptureFilter64bit.dll" "/i:UnityCaptureDevices=1" "/i:UnityCaptureName=UVC ONE"

Hope that works for you :-)

I'll try that out, looks like it should work perfectly. You're amazing, thank you for taking the time to add that in.