schell / steeloverseer

A file watcher and development tool.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AsyncCancelled if command takes a while.

chrissound opened this issue · comments

sos output.raw -c "sleep 0.15; echo 'test'"
Hit Ctrl+C to quit.

Modified: output.raw
[1/1] sleep 0.15; echo 'test'

Modified: output.raw
[1/1] sleep 0.15; echo 'test'

Modified: output.raw
[1/1] sleep 0.15; echo 'test'

Modified: output.raw
[1/1] sleep 0.15; echo 'test'

This only occurs if sleep 0.15 is present. echo 'test' is never run. This used to work without issue (I might have been on an older commit / version).

This occurs with the master branch (3eee0ec).

It works correctly on bc4cce6.

I ran into this problem running pdflatex with no delay but running a later version fixed it.

EDIT 1: I typed too soon! It worked once and then I started getting the same error message as the OP.

I'm writing a latex document using vim and it seems to be a problem with the way vim saves the file. When saving the file in vim it occasionally works but if I touch the file it works every time. I'm using HEAD (3eee0ec).

EDIT 2: And I typed too soon. Again!

pdflatex creates a backup <file>~ which was triggering sos causing an entry that looked like this:

Added: how-to-debug-a-running-process.tex~                                     
[1/2] pdflatex how-to-debug-a-running-process.tex                              

When I changed my match to .*\.tex$ it worked flawlessly.

Sorry for the noise but hopefully this might help someone else who runs into this problem. @schell maybe you could add it to the README?

Thank you for the report @filterfish ! I'll add a blurb about it asap.

I ran into this issue again while working with .tex files, but couldn't find an incantation that worked.

I ended up switching to fswatcher and using that with --throttle 100.

I'm also getting AsyncCancelled in a command, but in my case the command is not taking too long. I think the problem is the input file is getting updated a few times in quick successions which I'm guessing breaks stuff somehow. The sos invocation I'm using:

sos -p "(.*)\.wasm" -c "wasm2wat \1.wasm > \1.wat"

Input files are generated by a compiler and I think they may be updated a few times (e.g. it first crates it, then updates the file contents etc. or maybe flushes the file a few times).

Not sure if relevant, but I'm also seeing these lines when I stop sos with C-c:

Error removing watch: <wd=480>
Error removing watch: <wd=479>
Error removing watch: <wd=478>
Error removing watch: <wd=477>

I see a lot of these.

We probably need to add a customizable throttle command like the fswatcher example above.

We probably need to add a customizable throttle command like the fswatcher example above.

Is it not a bug given it worked fine with a previous version? Sounds like a race condition from what I can understand. Looking at the diff between the working/non working commit - possibly a bug upstream as well, or just a change in behavior.