sccn / xdf

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

's' not defined when processing xdf on_chunk

bdyetton opened this issue · comments

Hi there,
Thanks for pyxdf :)
There is a small bug, line 308 of pyxdf:

values, stamps, streams[StreamId] = on_chunk(values, stamps,
                                                              streams[StreamId], s)

should be:

values, stamps, streams[StreamId] = on_chunk(values, stamps,
                                                              streams[StreamId], StreamId)

Also note that the super vague try/except block there will catch errors from the users on_chunk function.
This seams like a bad call, and makes the user think there xdf if corrupt, when really there on_chunk function has some simple error.