sccn / lsl_archived

Multi-modal time-synched data transmission over local network

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No clock offsets were available when using LSL and GUSBAmp

ali-sig-pro opened this issue · comments

I was wondering if you may guide how to deal with the issue 'No clock offsets were available for stream...'.

I use GUSBAmp and LabRecord from LSL to record EEG from g.USBamp. When importing the recordings with xdf extension using ImportingRecordingsInMatlab to Matlab, I face with the warning message 'No clock offsets were available for stream...'. I use at all one computer for EEG recording and also streaming LSL.
Does 'No clock offsets available' mean that the recordings were already messed up during recording because of something seriously wrong with timing and clock offset such that the recordings are not reliable anymore?
Any suggestion to dig/solve this issue?

Many thanks,