scanny / python-pptx

Create Open XML PowerPoint documents in Python

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ValueError: value must be in range 256 to 2147483647 inclusive, got 2147483648 - when adding slide

sasensi opened this issue · comments

Hello and first of all, thank you for the great work on this library which helps me a ton !
I'm using this library in order to write presentations based on existing presentations that user upload.
So from time to time, I discoverer surprising edge cases like this one.

Here's the most reduced case that I could produce:

  • here is the existing file that I use as input: _debug.pptx
  • here is the code producing the issue:
from pathlib import Path
from pptx import Presentation

input_file = Path(__file__).parent / "_debug.pptx"
presentation = Presentation(input_file)
layout = presentation.slide_layouts[0]
for _i in range(4):
  • here is the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "H:\workspaces\xd2sketch\slidespeak-fastapi\backend\app\new_pptx_writer\", line 9, in <module>
  File "H:\workspaces\xd2sketch\slidespeak-fastapi\venv\Lib\site-packages\pptx\", line 283, in add_slide
  File "H:\workspaces\xd2sketch\slidespeak-fastapi\venv\Lib\site-packages\pptx\oxml\", line 56, in add_sldId
    return self._add_sldId(id=self._next_id, rId=rId)
  File "H:\workspaces\xd2sketch\slidespeak-fastapi\venv\Lib\site-packages\pptx\oxml\", line 303, in _add_child
    setattr(child, key, value)
  File "H:\workspaces\xd2sketch\slidespeak-fastapi\venv\Lib\site-packages\pptx\oxml\", line 268, in set_attr_value
    str_value = self._simple_type.to_xml(value)
  File "H:\workspaces\xd2sketch\slidespeak-fastapi\venv\Lib\site-packages\pptx\oxml\", line 26, in to_xml
  File "H:\workspaces\xd2sketch\slidespeak-fastapi\venv\Lib\site-packages\pptx\oxml\", line 605, in validate
    cls.validate_int_in_range(value, 256, 2147483647)
  File "H:\workspaces\xd2sketch\slidespeak-fastapi\venv\Lib\site-packages\pptx\oxml\", line 56, in validate_int_in_range
    raise ValueError(
ValueError: value must be in range 256 to 2147483647 inclusive, got 2147483648

I investigated a bit and the issue happens here:

return max([255] + [int(id_str) for id_str in id_str_lst]) + 1

What happens is that the value of id_str_lst in this case is ['2147483644'] and this serves as a base for next id calculation.
So ultimately, the next id ends up being over the maximal accepted value and produces the error.

I also saw that this part of the code was last modified here: 1fca092

So I tried monkey patching the method using the previous implementation and this fixes the issue:

def _next_id_patched(self) -> int:
    id_str_lst = self.xpath("./p:sldId/@id")
    used_ids = [int(id_str) for id_str in id_str_lst]
    for n in range(256, 258 + len(used_ids)):
        if n not in used_ids:
            return n

CT_SlideIdList._next_id = property(_next_id_patched)

I'm wondering if there is maybe a way to mix both solutions to support even more cases like this one ?
Or do you have any other idea about how to fix this (I can eventually help with the PR).

Hmm, interesting.

So this is slide-ids, right, which means there will usually be a modest number, say less that 100, and as many as 1000 would be extremely rare. So a linear-time algorithm is likely to be fast enough.

The max(sldIds) + 1 approach reduces the chance of using a deleted slide id. I vaguely remember there being a problem with that but can't remember it specifically. Perhaps someone was deleting slides and then a new slide was being assigned the same id and that caused some sort of problem.

So the max(sldIds) + 1 approach is probably preferable, but is fallible as we see here. So there could be a test and fallback to the next_available_id_gt_256 algorithm and that should solve this problem at least.

I'd say something like this would be a good approach and more efficient than the original:

used_ids = sorted(int(id_str) for id_str in self.xpath("./p:sldId/@id"))
id_count = len(used_ids)
for idx, n in enumerate(range(256, 256+id_count)):
    if used_ids[idx] != n:
            return n
return 256+id_count
case 1: all slide-ids are used in order
used_ids = [256, 257, 258, 259]
      ns = [256, 257, 258, 259]
matches all, returns 256+4=260

case 2: there is a gap in slide-ids
used_ids = [256, 258, 259, 260]
      ns = [256, 257, 258, 259]
mismatch on used_ids[1], returns n=257

It's not a lot more efficient, but at least is O(NlogN) instead of O(N^2).

Is the sort going to happen frequently, @scanny? In which case maintaining a sorted list might be cheaper.

It could potentially happen frequently, if you were adding thousands of slides for example.

The problem with cacheing values like that is that the XML is the actual authoritative source and the two could easily become out-of-sync. So there's no alternative to reading in the list every time I'm afraid. For example where would you store the cached list? A class has module lifetime so if you loaded more than one presentation on a single run it would be wrong. And an instance like Slide or even Presentation is just a proxy. You can easily have more than one Slide instance pointing to the same slide element subtree in the XML. So there's no reliable location for this sort of thing other than the XML.

Also, the fall-back algorithm (which is what requires sorting) would only be engaged when the max()+1 algorithm failed, which has taken these ten years to show up for the first time. So I don't expect we'd get any complaints :)

Thank you for your insightful answers, seems like a combination of the 2 approaches is the ultimate solution 😄
So do you think that this can be fixed as part of the library in a soon future or should I better go with a monkey patch for now ?
As mentioned initially, I can also work on a PR if it helps ?

I think a monkey-patch is a great first step. The code would be the same as in a PR and it would be a cut-and-paste solution anyone who was facing this problem could add to their own code for an immediate solution.

A PR is probably not worth the trouble I expect. Although if you wanted to add the tests for it that might be worthwhile. Generally all a PR does for me is give me some idea of an approach that appears to work as a starting point for the actual implementation. To maintain the industrial-grade quality of the package any change needs to go in with full tests and documentation where required, and PRs generally lack those broader software engineering aspects.

Ok, thank you, so I went with this monkey patch that tries the current implementation and fallback to the old one (your improved version):

from pptx.oxml import CT_SlideIdList
from pptx.oxml.simpletypes import ST_SlideId

def _next_id_patched(self) -> int | None:  # noqa: ANN001
    id_str_lst = self.xpath("./p:sldId/@id")
    next_id = max([255] + [int(id_str) for id_str in id_str_lst]) + 1
    if ST_SlideId.validate(next_id):
        return next_id
    used_ids = sorted(int(id_str) for id_str in id_str_lst)
    id_count = len(used_ids)
    for idx, n in enumerate(range(256, 256 + id_count)):
        if used_ids[idx] != n:
            return n
    return 256 + id_count

CT_SlideIdList._next_id = property(_next_id_patched)  # noqa: SLF001

Do you prefer to keep the issue opened or closed ?

Let's keep it open @sasensi. We might add this in a later release and seems maybe easier for folks to find an open issue than a closed one if they're seeing this problem :)

having the same issue - can you share where did you update this code as i cant seem to get this error fixed.

having the same issue - can you share where did you update this code as i cant seem to get this error fixed.

In my case, I made sure to run the code posted here: #972 (comment) to patch the library before I use it.
And then the error was gone.

that works ! thanks.

Any forensics on this? Like an idea how these particular presentations get slides with large ids like this?

I'm vaguely suspecting some plugin that assigns ids starting from the maximum number downward as a simple-minded way to avoid collisions with existing slides.

Can you describe the provenance of PPTX files where you've noticed this behavior?

I'm advancing this to a shortlist item given it appears it's not as much of a fluke as originally suspected :)

Any forensics on this? Like an idea how these particular presentations get slides with large ids like this?

I'm vaguely suspecting some plugin that assigns ids starting from the maximum number downward as a simple-minded way to avoid collisions with existing slides.

Can you describe the provenance of PPTX files where you've noticed this behavior?

i spent an hr trying to read the ID's and found related reason is that if you have a lot of master slides then an old ppt can have indexes that go beyond the max limit. manual copy paste of slides from 1 ppt to another doesnt refresh the slide ID and you really need VBA code to reset the slide ID numbers. even if you only have 5 slides in the deck but 10 master slides the indexing gets screwed up. make sense?