scandium / hashcat-gui

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Window is too large for Laptop screen

mubix opened this issue · comments

I own a system that has 1200 (or something like it) x 768. I can't use Hashcat-gui because the window is too large and the GO buttons are too low in the window for me to be able to start the cracking task.

2 options:

  1. re-arrange and resize the window to stay within the smaller screen resolution scenarios
  2. move the start button(s) to the top of the window, or make it a menu item.

Common complaint and absolutely valid. I don't have a solution yet, but I think option 1 is more desirable because when doing 2 we can launch hashcat but still don't see all the available options.

Another option would be to let the three tabwidgets have scrollbars if the vertical size of the hashcat-gui window exceeds the desktop resolution and shrink the hashcat-gui window to fit onto the screen.

Maybe do sub-tabs so that each category of options can be on it's own subtab ?


the GUI window now shows scrollbars if there is not enough space to show the whole tab page. You can either compile it yourself or wait for the next release.

Let me know if this fixes your problem and if you think it's convenient or we should go look for another way to fix this.