scalatest / scalatestplus-junit

ScalaTest + JUnit provides integration support between ScalaTest and JUnit.

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Scala.js JUnitSuite?

er1c opened this issue · comments

Might be a dumb question, I was trying to include org.scalatestplus.junit.JUnitSuite but also use the ScalaJSJUnitPlugin one of the first things it complains about is org.scalatestplus.junit.JUnitSuite not existing, is/can a dummy JUnitSuite class able to be exported for scala.js?

@er1c Unfortunately scalatest+junit does not support build for scala-js yet. When I saw this issue I first thought may be it is time to support scala-js build as scala-js already has junit support built-in with ScalaJSJUnitPlugin. I digged a little further and it seems like we'll have the blocker that org.junit.runner.notification.RunListener is not implemented in scala-js version of junit, and it is being used here.

Anyway, if possible I think you can just use ScalaTest's FunSuite without JUnit, it is supported for scala-js.