scalastyle / scalastyle-sbt-plugin


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<0.6.0> rror: object scalastyle is not a member of package org.scalastyle.sbt.PluginKeys.scalastyle.toTask("").value

kcheng888 opened this issue · comments

I am follow the manual at try to make the style check part of test flow.

after I add below to projects/plugins.sbt

addSbtPlugin("org.scalastyle" %% "scalastyle-sbt-plugin" % "0.6.0")
resolvers += "sonatype-releases" at ""
// Create a default Scala style task to run with tests
lazy val testScalaStyle = taskKeyUnit
testScalaStyle := {
(test in Test) <<= (test in Test) dependsOn testScalaStyle

I got the error.

error: object scalastyle is not a member of package org

Ran into a similar issue with PluginKeys not being a member of package sbt. After spending a lot of time banging my head against my desk with this here's what I got working for me. In my build.sbt:

lazy val testScalaStyle = taskKey[Unit]("testScalaStyle")

testScalaStyle := (org.scalastyle.sbt.ScalastylePlugin.scalastyle in Compile).toTask("").value

(Keys.compile in Compile) <<= (Keys.compile in Compile) dependsOn testScalaStyle

You'll probably have to change your code to something like

lazy val testScalaStyle = taskKey[Unit]("testScalaStyle")

testScalaStyle := (org.scalastyle.sbt.ScalastylePlugin.scalastyle in Test).toTask("").value

(test in Test) <<= (test in Test) dependsOn testScalaStyle

I'm using scala 2.11 with sbt 0.13.6 and scalastyle-sbt-plugin 0.6.0

I'm using Keys.compile here instead of just compile because another plugin I use, sbt-protobuf, also exports a compile key, so just saying compile results in an ambiguous reference.

It would be great if the maintainers could update the documentation found here under "Running scalastyle as part of another task" because it didn't seem to work at all.


I've added a bit of a better description.

Have fun,

Matthew Farwell.

2014-12-30 21:51 GMT+01:00 Travis Kaufman

After spending a lot of time banging my head against my desk with this
here's what I got working for me. In my build.sbt:

lazy val testScalaStyle = taskKeyUnit

testScalaStyle := (org.scalastyle.sbt.ScalastylePlugin.scalastyle in Compile).toTask("").value

(Keys.compile in Compile) <<= (Keys.compile in Compile) dependsOn testScalaStyle

I'm using scala 2.11 with sbt 0.13.6 and scalastyle-sbt-plugin 0.6.0

I'm using Keys.compile here instead of just compile because another
plugin I use, sbt-protobuf, also exports a compile key, so just saying
compile results in an ambiguous reference.

It would be great if the maintainers could update the documentation found
here under "Running scalastyle as
part of another task" because it didn't seem to work at all.

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