scalanlp / chalk

Chalk is a natural language processing library.

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Transient NullPointerException in sentence detection

jbnunn opened this issue · comments

When trying sentenceDetector.sentDetect(someText), I sometimes get:

NullPointerException: null (
[error] chalk.learn.model.IndexHashTable.get(
[error] chalk.learn.maxent.GISModel.eval(
[error] chalk.learn.maxent.GISModel.eval(
[error] chalk.learn.maxent.GISModel.eval(

If I rerun the test, this error usually immediately goes away. Anyone else experienced this?

I'm not sure what is going on -- everything works fine for me. Can you do the following?

  $ cd /tmp
  $ wget
  $ cd $CHALK_DIR
  $ ./build
  > console
  scala> import

  scala> import

  scala> val sdetector = new SentenceDetectorME(new SentenceModel(new FileInputStream("/tmp/en-sent.bin")))
  sdetector: =

  scala> val sentences = sdetector.sentDetect("Here is a sentence. Here is another with Mr. Brown in it. Hurrah.")
  sentences: Array[java.lang.String] = Array(Here is a sentence., Here is another with Mr. Brown in it., Hurrah.)

  scala> sentences.foreach(println)
  Here is a sentence.
  Here is another with Mr. Brown in it.

Thanks Jason--works like a champ, each time.

So, my guess is I didn't build right the first time--but now after a build, I can't reproduce the error, which is good--sorry for the false alarm :)

I have found myself running into this error occasionally. I will see if I can get a consistent set of steps to reproduce.

This happens when you use SentenceDetectorME in a threaded environment. It is not a thread-safe class.

@fatefree Can only confirm this. I've been running in this issue occasionally and it is a threading problem. Each thread needs its own SentenceDetector!