scalacenter / scala-debug-adapter

Implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Scala

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unsupported evaluation

iusildra opened this issue · comments

While debugging metals. I stumbled upon a weird error.

> url
$ URL@185 "file:/home/lucasn/.cache/coursier/v1/https/"
> 1+1
$ Cannot evaluate because of java.lang.Exception: Unsupported evaluation in JDK: zulu17.32.13-ca-jdk17.0.2-linux_x64

url is a local variable. It happened when an exception was thrown and the "uncaught" and "caught" exceptions breakpoints were ticked (I did not reached any of the breakpoints I placed), so maybe it's just because the VM is in a wrong state ?
