scalacenter / scala-debug-adapter

Implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Scala

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Should skip all ScalaRuntime.wrap<Type>Array

adpi2 opened this issue · comments

def foo(xs: String*): Unit = println("foo")

foo("a", "b") // step in goes into ScalaRuntime.wrapRefArray

In the RuntimeStepFilter we should skip all of:

def wrapRefArray[T <: AnyRef](xs: Array[T]): ArraySeq[T]
  def wrapIntArray(xs: Array[Int]): ArraySeq[Int]
  def wrapDoubleArray(xs: Array[Double]): ArraySeq[Double]
  def wrapLongArray(xs: Array[Long]): ArraySeq[Long]
  def wrapFloatArray(xs: Array[Float]): ArraySeq[Float]
  def wrapCharArray(xs: Array[Char]): ArraySeq[Char]
  def wrapByteArray(xs: Array[Byte]): ArraySeq[Byte]
  def wrapShortArray(xs: Array[Short]): ArraySeq[Short]
  def wrapBooleanArray(xs: Array[Boolean]): ArraySeq[Boolean]
  def wrapUnitArray(xs: Array[Unit]): ArraySeq[Unit]