scalacenter / example-scalafix-rule

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Failure on publish

bjaglin opened this issue · comments

Error: gpg: no default secret key: No secret key
Error: gpg: signing failed: No secret key
Error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failure running 'gpg --batch --passphrase *** --detach-sign --armor --use-agent --output /home/runner/work/example-scalafix-rule/example-scalafix-rule/scalafix/rules/target/scala-2.12/example-scalafix-rule_2.12-3.0.0.pom.asc /home/runner/work/example-scalafix-rule/example-scalafix-rule/scalafix/rules/target/scala-2.12/example-scalafix-rule_2.12-3.0.0.pom'. Exit code: 2

@julienrf I remember I ran into a similar problem in some scalacenter repo a while ago, is that something you could help with? Thanks!

I am not sure about the cause of the issue. The PGP key is supposed to expire in 2024.

I found the previous discussion I had in mind: scalacenter/scalafix#1705 (comment). It's definitely not the same and there was no mitigation action from your side anyway, so sorry for the noise, I'll look at it later.

After bumping sbt-ci-release to the latest version, the publishing was successful.

@julienrf what's the process for getting Scala Center Steward to keep that repo up to date?

You need to add yourself to the file in this repo: I just did it for example-scalafix-rule.