scalacenter / example-scalafix-rule

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Need a release of example-scalafix-rule

mlachkar-da opened this issue · comments

We need a release of 0.10.0, but it's failing because of this:

Error:  gpg: no default secret key: unusable secret key
Error:  gpg: signing failed: unusable secret key
Error:  java.lang.RuntimeException: Failure running 'gpg --batch --passphrase *** --detach-sign --armor --use-agent --output /home/runner/work/example-scalafix-rule/example-scalafix-rule/scalafix/rules/target/scala-2.11/example-scalafix-rule_2.11-2.0.0.pom.asc /home/runner/work/example-scalafix-rule/example-scalafix-rule/scalafix/rules/target/scala-2.11/example-scalafix-rule_2.11-2.0.0.pom'.  Exit code: 2

Can you help with that @julienrf @sjrd (cc @bjaglin) ?
Thank you !

Weird 🤔

I’ve created new secrets and now it works fine. I’ve run the workflow again and the rule should be on its way to Maven Central.

BTW, I suggest updating your GitHub workflows to use setup-java and cache: sbt to avoid re-downloading the dependencies of the project over and over.

thank you!

No I don't.

OK, that should be fixed now, can you confirm?

I confirm. Thank a lot. If it's ok, I may need the same access on scalafix (acces to secrets), but nothing urgent.

Thanks @julienrf! While we are at it, there are other repos that are related to scalafix, so maybe you can extend the rights to them? See list in scalacenter/scalafix#1616 (comment).