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scala-reflect produces inconsistent results for type boundaries obtained through etaExpand on scala 2.13.0

pshirshov opened this issue · comments

Let's consider this example (you may just copypaste it into scala shell):

import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._

trait LightTypeTag { /*TODO*/ }

def makeTag[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context): c.Expr[LightTypeTag] = {
  import c.universe._
  val tpe = implicitly[WeakTypeTag[T]].tpe
  println((tpe, tpe.hashCode, System.identityHashCode(tpe)))

  def test() = { {
    case tpe: TypeBoundsApi =>
  }.foreach {
    tpe =>
    println((tpe, tpe.hashCode, System.identityHashCode(tpe)))

def materialize1[T[_]]: LightTypeTag = macro makeTag[T[Nothing]]


On scala < 2.13 it prints


Which is expected.

On scala 2.13 it prints


So, each invocation returns it's own, unique type boundary. And =:= check fails.

It works without etaExpand though.

there is some discussion at on whether this qualifies as a regression, or whether it's simply the kind of compiler-internals thing that might be expected to change in a minor release, let alone a major release

the bisect script from adriaanm/binfu#5 should be useful for identifying the scala/scala PR where this behavior changed, which I think would be the single most important piece of information to have in hand, in order to discuss whether this is a regression or simply a behavior change

Some time ago it (magically) started working again.