sc0ty / subsync

Subtitle Speech Synchronizer

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Batch mode output encoding problem

chanep opened this issue · comments

Batch mode always saves output subs with UTF-8 encoding. It ignores source sub encoding and also ignores Settings -> General -> Output Encoding

Any update on this ?
I'm using 1250 charset, and Batch mode for tv-shows. Unfortunately sybsync is encoding in UTF-8 therfore loosing characters and the encoded subtitle has bad quality. Any solution for this, beside not using Batch mode ? Single mode will be a pain... for hundreds of episodes.

FYI i found a workaround.
.) Use GUI Batch-Mode as usual, import your files and choose languages and settings.
.) Export List as *yaml file
.) Open your *yaml file with an texteditor and change the output encode setting to (in my case Windows-1250) for all files
.) Start subsync-cmd.exe in CLI
.) Import *yaml file and start sync job

For me this worked out and i have batch synced subtitles with output charset 1250.
I Hope this will be fixed in a new release.

I normaly open all subs files after a Batch Sync with VS Code and I do one by one: Command Pallet -> Change File encoding -> Save with Encoding -> Windows 1252

I tried with "subtitle Edit'". Has also Batch converter mode, where i can encode back to 1250. But once encoded to UTF-8, i'm loosing some characters when i encode back to 1250. Do you have the same issue ? Therefore an ecode directly to 1250 would be better i think.

I use 1252, I didn't notice any char loosing (spanish language). It is just annoying in my case