sbt / sbt-dynver

An sbt plugin to dynamically set your version from git

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Untagged dynamic version should not be considered as newer than tagged versions

Atry opened this issue · comments

Currently we have the following generated versions:

Case version isSnapshot isVersionStable
when on tag v1.0.0, w/o local changes 1.0.0 false true
when there are no tags, on commit 1234abcd, w/o local changes 3-1234abcd true true

3-1234abcd is a horrible version because most of build tools consider it newer than 1.0.0, therefore module ID like "xxx" %% "xxx" % "1+" or "xxx" %% "xxx" % "latest.version" will be resolved to 3-1234abcd.

We should generate some versions like 0+3-1234abcd instead of 3-1234abcd.