sbt / sbt-dynver

An sbt plugin to dynamically set your version from git

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

include the number of commits for the 'no tags' case as well

raboof opened this issue · comments

I love how in the 'versioned' case, version numbers like 1.0.0+3-1234abcd provide some intuition of how far this version is from the last tag.

When there are no version tags in the history, we lose that information. I think it would be useful to add it in that case as well, counting the number of commits up to this commit. Instead of 1234abcd+20140707-1030 or 1234abcd we'd get 3-1234abcd+20140707-1030 or 3-1234abcd.

I think this is a good idea. Pull request welcome.