sbt / sbt-dynver

An sbt plugin to dynamically set your version from git

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ability to customise tag prefix

mpurins-nc opened this issue · comments


I would like to kindly ask for ability to customise tag prefix. So instead of hard coded v I could use anything as prefix.

Currently I want to introduce sbt-dynver to project I have started to work in, but company has long standing convention to tag versions using v- (yes that one dash holds me back :( ).
Would it be feasible feature for sbt-dynver?
If PR with such feature will be accepted I can try to do it once I have time.


I don't think I can tell you upfront if I would accept such a feature. It would depend on what the result of implementing it looked like. I have vague memories when I added the "v" prefix that I specifically kept it "v" specific because there are a few bits and pieces that need to work together:

Have a go, and let me know how it goes.

I never got around to playing with this and no longer actual to me but I believe that PR #158 released with 4.1.0 implements what I wanted. Thanks @sideeffffect!