sbt / sbt-dynver

An sbt plugin to dynamically set your version from git

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Version number becomes 0.0.0 when commit count exceeds 256

olafurpg opened this issue · comments


Screenshot 2019-12-04 at 10 33 38

I expected the version number to start with v0.7.6. I'm unable to reproduce locally on my computer, our CI does the releases. You can try to checkout the scalameta/metals repo at commit scalameta/metals@539450f

It looks like this branch is being hit

Any idea what might be going on?

perhaps CI did a 'shallow' git checkout and didn't fetch enough history to find the previous tag?


There, in theory, would be a sanity check you opt into for that ( but it needs attention (#132).

Oh, and git fetch --unshallow is a CI agnostic way to avoid this issue.

Thank you for the help! Let's see how that works out scalameta/metals#1143

git fetch --unshallow seems to have fixed the issue!

] 	published mtags_2.13.1 to

The readme still recommends git fetch --tags in CI environments so it might be worth a mention. --unshallow is mentioned in the sanity check section.

Thank you!