sbshah97 / DS-Algo-Handbook

[ONGOING] ACM ICPC Handbook for Algorithms and Data Structures

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Suggestions to make a Better Resource

menikhilpandey opened this issue · comments

Hi @salman-bhai
I have some suggestions to improve the reach and usefulness of this repository as this concept is extremely supportive for competitive programmers and is helpful resource for ACM ICPC aspirants, but due to its name, many aspirants might not find this repository on first go.

I would like to suggest some names for the repository. Please rename the repository to something more relevant.

  1. ACM-ICPC-Handbook
  2. DS-Algo-Handbook
  3. DS-Algo-Analysis-Manual
  4. Competitive-Programming-Handbook

I would also like to suggest removal of lab_assignments from the repository as it is very much irrelevant when talking about ACM-ICPC Handbooks, to make it more relevant you can Rename the folder as "Classical Problems", it would help in getting more contributions from the enthusiasts and ACM ICPC aspirants, where contributors can add up solutions for past year problems and popular classical problems of competitive programming.

Lastly, I would suggest keeping more algorithms and data structures as ACM ICPC preparation requires much more than basic ones. This link has list of many more resources that you can put up as issues to make this repository extremely useful.

I would like to hear what you have to say on these suggestions.


Hey, so I thin the second option is a really good idea!
I do agree that the repository lab_assignments is not useful now and I'll remove it as soon as possible. Apart from this I suggest you start creating Issues as to what else do you think would be ideal for ACM-ICPC Preparation. The link that you have sent is an excellent resource, something that we could add in the README of this repository!

Looking forward to your contributions to the repository! Thank you for suggesting all these changes! Cheers!

Sure! I would love to keep contributing to this repository. Please take actions to change the name of this repository to new name.

Keep the Issue open for others to put in their suggestions as well!

Check out this link for Dynamic Programming Problems. Click here