sboisson / bragi

Node.js UPnP Media Server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

UPnP Media Server

Bragi is a media server for UPnP (and some DLNA) devices. It runs on Node.js and is written in CoffeeScript.

Bragi is still in a very experimental state.


Apart from Node.js, you first need to install MongoDB, and if you want transcoding, ffmpeg.

Then clone this repository and run node bragi.js. Bragi will be published in npm when it's more functional.

Known issues

  • Only gets metadata from audio files.
  • When paths are removed, Bragi needs to be restarted for changes to take effect.
  • Transcoding only for audio.
  • UI under construction.


Node.js UPnP Media Server

License:MIT License