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Ursa Labs buildbot configuration for Apache Arrow

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Ursa Labs' buildbot configuration for Apache Arrow

Ursabot is a continous integration application based on the buildbot framework. The primary focus of ursabot is to execute various builds benchmark and packaging tasks for Apache Arrow.

Arrow's build system

Arrow is used on a wide range of platforms, it has libraries in many languages, and these all have multiple build options and compiler flags. We want to ensure that patches don't break a build -- preferably before merging them -- and we want to ensure that we don't regress. While we use Travis-CI and Appveyor for some build testing, we can't test on all platforms there, and there is some inefficiency because it is difficult to express build stage dependencies and collect build artifacts (for example, of the C++ library for use in Python/R/etc.).

Similarly, we want to prevent performance regressions and aim to prevent merging patches that degrade performance, and in order to do this, we need to run benchmarks. These benchmarks can't reliably be run on public CI infrastructure because they need dedicated, consistent hardware in order to return comparable results.

To ensure the quality of the software we ship, and to facilitate Arrow developers and maintainers, we have a system of scripts and automation that perform key functions. This document outlines the goals of our build and automation system and describes how to work with it, as it is currently implemented.


  • Prevent "breaking the build". For a given patch, run all tests and integrations, with all relevant build configurations and on all necessary platforms, that might be affected by the patch.
  • Prevent performance regressions
  • Ensure that the release process, including building binaries, also does not break
  • For the strongest prevention, and to reduce human cognitive burden, these checks should be as automated as possible.
  • For faster iteration while developing and debugging, it should also be possible to run these checks locally


  • CI time: running every build configuration on every commit would increase delays in the patch review process.
  • CI compute resources: our Travis-CI bandwidth is limited, as would be any bespoke build cluster we maintain. Some of this can be relaxed by throwing money at it, but there are diminishing returns (and budget constraints).
  • Dev time: whatever we invest of ourselves in building this system takes away from time we’d spend adding value to the Arrow project itself. To the extent that investing in this system saves developer time elsewhere, it is worthwhile.


Currently We have a three-tiered system.

  • Use Travis-CI and Appveyor for a set of language/build configurations that run on every commit and pull request on GitHub. The configuration files are maintained in the arrow repository.

  • Crossbow for binary packaging and nightly tests. Crossbow provides a command line interface to programatically trigger Travis and Appveyor builds by creating git branches in ursalabs/crossbow repository. It is maintained within arrow, for more see its guide.

  • Ursabot implemented on top of buildbot CI framework, hosted at on Ursalabs' servers. It provides:

    • A set of builds testing the C++ implementation and Python bindings on multiple operating systems and architectures (most of these are executed automatically on each commit and pull request).
    • On-demand builds requested by commenting on a pull request.
    • On-demand benchmarks requested by commenting on a pull request, the benchmark results are reported as github comments. The recently developed Archery command-line tool is responsible for running and comparing the benchmarks.
    • Special builds for triggering other systems' builds, like crossbow's packaging tasks by commenting on a pull request.

Driving Ursabot

Allowing PR reviewers to request additional checks on demand within the review process makes it easier for us to apply extra scrutiny at review time while also conserving CI bandwidth by using human expertise to know which checks are needed.

via Comments

Ursabot receives github events through a webhook. It listens on pull request comments mentioning @ursabot. It follows the semantics of a command line interface, to see the available commands add a comment on the pull request: @ursabot --help.

The @ursabot GitHub user will respond or react that it has started a build for you. Unfortunately, it does not currently report back on the build status. The reporters are already implemented. They will be enabled once the proper github integration permissions are set for the apache/arrow repository. Until that you have to search around the buildbot UI for it. The command parser is implemented in

Currently available commands:

  • @ursabot build: Triggers all the ursabot tests. These tests are run automatically, but this is a convinient way to force a re-build.
  • @ursabot benchmark: Triggers C++ benchmarks and sends back the results as a github comment and highlights the regressions.
  • @ursabot crossbow test cpp-python: Triggers the cpp-python test group defined in test.yml and responds with a URL pointing to submitted crossbow branches at the github UI showing the build statuses.
  • @ursabot crossbow package -g wheel -g conda: Triggers the wheel and conda crossbow packaging groups defined in tasks.yml.
  • @ursabot crossbow package wheel-win-cp35m wheel-win-cp36m: Triggers only two tasks passed explicitly.

Note that the commands won't trigger any builds if the commit message contains a skip pattern, like [skip ci] or [ci skip]. In order to drive ursabot the user must have either 'OWNER', 'MEMBER' or 'CONTRIBUTOR [roles][github-author-association].

via the Web UI

You can also initiate a build for a specific architecture/configuration in the buildbot UI. Navigate to Builds > Builders, select a builder, and click Build apache/arrow buttin at the top right. This triggers the force schedulers where you can specify a branch and/or commit to build. In the future specialized builders will have different fields to provide the neccessary information.

via CLI

Buildbot supports submitting local patches directly to the cluster and triggering specific builders. The TryScheduler is a really handy way to test local changes without polluting the git history:

buildbot try \
  --connect=pb \
  --master=... \
  --username=... \
  --passwd=... \

If someone wants to use this feature then please raise an issue, because it requires custom credentials.

Run a local instance of Ursabot

Running it locally helps with the development and testing new feature and/or debugging issues without touching the production instance.

Installation requires at least Python 3.6:

pip install -e ursabot

Define the configuration environment (prod|test) and start the service:

$ export URSABOT_ENV=test  # this is the default
$ buildbot restart ursabot
$ tail -f ursabot/twisted.log

Then open http://localhost:8100 in the browser.

Configuring Ursabot

The buildbot configuration is implemented in master.cfg, however to turn services on and off more easily, add workers without touching any python file, and provide credentials without committing to git there is another static configuration layer constructed by default.toml, test.toml and prod.toml files. These files are loaded as plain dictionaries and merged upon each other depending on the URSABOT_ENV environment variable. The default value of URSABOT_ENV is test, the merge order is:

  1. default.toml
  2. $URSABOT_ENV.toml like test.toml or prod.toml
  3. local.toml [optional]
  4. .secrets.toml [optional]

For the available configuration keys see default.toml. The preferred secret handling method is to setup a secret provider like SecretInPass, see the secrets configuration key in default.toml.

Adding a new build(er)s

The closest abstraction to the traditional yaml based CI configs in ursabot are the Builders. In the simplest case a builder is defined by a sequence of steps which are executed as shell commands on the worker. The following example builder presumes, that apt-get and git is available on the worker.

from buildbot.plugins import util, worker
from ursabot.steps import ShellCommand
from import Builder
from ursabot.schedulers import AnyBranchScheduler

class TestBuilder(Builder):
    tags = ['example-build', 'arbitrary-tag']
    steps = [
            name='Clone the test repository',
            name='Install dependencies',
            command=['apt-get', 'install', '-y'],
            args=['my', 'packages']
            name='Execute tests',
            command=['my-custom-test-runner', util.Property('test-selector')]

# in the master.cfg
local_worker = worker.LocalWorker('my-local-worker')
simple_builder = TestBuilder(
        'test-selector': 'all'
scheduler = AnyBranchScheduler(

BuildmasterConfig = {
    # ...
    'workers': [local_worker],
    'schedulers': [scheduler]
    # ...

The DockerBuilder provides more flexibility, faster builds and better worker isolation, Ursabot uses DockerBuilders extensively.

from ursabot.docker import DockerImage
from import DockerBuilder
from ursabot.workers import DockerLatentWorker

miniconda = DockerImage(

class TestDockerBuilder(Builder):
    tags = ['build-within-docker-container']
    steps = [
        # checkout the source code
        # execute arbitrary commands
        # ...
    images = [miniconda]

docker_worker = DockerLatentWorker(
    # `docker_image` property is set by the DockerBuilder, but image can be
    # passed explicitly and used in conjunction with a simple builder like the
    #  TestBuilder from the previous example

# instantiates builders based on the available workers, the Builder's
# images and the workers are matched based on their architecture
docker_builders = TestDockerBuilder.builders_for(

scheduler = AnyBranchScheduler(

BuildmasterConfig = {
    # ...
    'workers': [docker_worker],
    'schedulers': [scheduler]
    # ...

Define docker images

Arrow supports multiple platforms, has a wide variety of features thus a lot of dependencies. Installing them in each build would be time and resource consuming, so ursabot ships docker images for reusability.

There is a small docker utility in ursabot.docker module to define hierachical images. It uses a DSL implemented in python instead of plain Dockerfiles. A small example to demonstrate it:

from ursabot.docker import DockerImage, ImageCollection
from ursabot.docker import RUN, ENV, CMD, ADD, apt, conda

miniconda = DockerImage(
pandas = DockerImage(
pyarrow = DockerImage(

images = ImageCollection([miniconda, pandas, pyarrow])

# create a docker image for each of the previous ones running jupyter notebook
jupyter_steps = [
        'jupyter', 'notebook',
        '--ip', '',
    for image in images

# build all of the images in topological order

# filter the images
print(images.filter(name='pyarrow', tag='jupyter'))

Try running jupyter with pyarrow pre-installed:

docker run -p 8888:8888 amd64-debian-9-pyarrow:jupyter

Ursabot has a CLI interface to build the docker images:

ursabot docker build --help

To build and push Arrow C++ amd64 conda images:

ursabot --verbose docker --arch amd64 --variant conda --name cpp build --push

To build and push all arm64v8 alpine images:

ursabot --verbose \
  docker --docker-host tcp://arm-machine:2375 --arch arm64v8 --os alpine-3.9 \
  build --push

Adding a new dependency to the docker images

Most of the dependency requirements are factored out to easily editable text files under the docker directory.

For plain (non-conda) docker images append the appropiate package to pkgs-alpine.txt and pkgs-ubuntu.txt.

For conda images add the newly introduced dependency either to conda-linux.txt, conda-cpp.txt, conda-python.txt or conda-sphinx.txt depending on which images should contain the new dependency.

In order to add a new pip dependency to the python images edit requirements.txt or requirements-test.txt.

Then build and push the new images:

$ ursabot -v docker -dh tcp://amd64-host:2375 -a amd64 build -p
$ ursabot -v docker -dh tcp://arm64-host:2375 -a arm64v8 build -p

Adding new workers to the cluster

Adding docker latent workers requires a worker entry in the configuration. Name, architecture and a docker host (accessable by the buildmaster) are required, see an example in default.toml. Adding non-docker workers are also possible, but must register them in the master.cfg.

Developing Ursabot

Buildbot doesn't distribute its testing suite with binary wheels, so in order to run the unit tests buildbot must be installed from source:

pip install --no-binary buildbot -e .
pytest -v ursabot

Pre-commit hooks

Install pre-commit then to setup the git hooks run pre-commit install.

Possible further improvements

These have been discussed and would be valuable, but they are definitely "nice to haves" and should be deferred until the primary goals are met.

  • Database for storing benchmark results
  • Central station for hosting the build artifacts
  • Dashboard showing build health across all platforms and configurations

More closely Ursabot related:

  • Project abstraction to reduce the complexity of master.cfg
  • Multi-master setup for scaling
  • Setup WAMP/Crossbar to restart the buildmaster without cancelling the running builds
  • Windows containers and workers (docker in virtualized nodes)
  • Enable CUDA docker runtime (builder is already added)
  • Crossbow poller to report back crossbow task statuses


Ursa Labs buildbot configuration for Apache Arrow

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:Jupyter Notebook 68.6%Language:Python 31.1%Language:Shell 0.2%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%