sbellity / mongoid-scroll

Mongoid extension that enables infinite scrolling with MongoDB.

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Mongoid extension that enables infinite scrolling for Mongoid::Criteria and Moped::Query.


Check out shows on Keep scrolling down.

There're also two code samples for Mongoid and Moped in examples. Run bundle exec ruby examples/mongoid_scroll_feed.rb.

The Problem

Traditional pagination does not work when data changes between paginated requests, which makes it unsuitable for infinite scroll behaviors.

  • If a record is inserted before the current page limit, items will shift right, and the next page will include a duplicate.
  • If a record is removed before the current page limit, items will shift left, and the next page will be missing a record.

The solution implemented by the scroll extension paginates data using a cursor, giving you the ability to restart pagination where you left it off. This is a non-trivial problem when combined with sorting over non-unique record fields, such as timestamps.


Add the gem to your Gemfile and run bundle install.

gem 'mongoid-scroll'



A sample model.

module Feed
  class Item
    include Mongoid::Document
    field :title, type: String
    field :position, type: Integer
    index({ position: 1, _id: 1 })

Scroll by :position and save a cursor to the last item.

saved_cursor = nil
Feed::Item.desc(:position).limit(5).scroll do |record, next_cursor|
  # each record, one-by-one
  saved_cursor = next_cursor

Resume iterating using the previously saved cursor.

Feed::Item.desc(:position).limit(5).scroll(saved_cursor) do |record, next_cursor|
  # each record, one-by-one
  saved_cursor = next_cursor

The iteration finishes when no more records are available. You can also finish iterating over the remaining records by omitting the query limit.

Feed::Item.desc(:position).scroll(saved_cursor) do |record, next_cursor|
  # each record, one-by-one


Scroll and save a cursor to the last item. You must also supply a field_type of the sort criteria.

saved_cursor = nil
session[:feed_items].find.sort(position: -1).limit(5).scroll(nil, { field_type: DateTime }) do |record, next_cursor|
  # each record, one-by-one
  saved_cursor = next_cursor

Resume iterating using the previously saved cursor.

session[:feed_items].find.sort(position: -1).limit(5).scroll(saved_cursor, { field_type: DateTime }) do |record, next_cursor|
  # each record, one-by-one
  saved_cursor = next_cursor

Indexes and Performance

A query without a cursor is identical to a query without a scroll.

# db.feed_items.find().sort({ position: 1 }).limit(7)

Subsequent queries use an $or to avoid skipping items with the same value as the one at the current cursor position.

# db.feed_items.find({ "$or" : [
#   { "position" : { "$gt" : 13 }},
#   { "position" : 13, "_id": { "$gt" : ObjectId("511d7c7c3b5552c92400000e") }}
# ]}).sort({ position: 1 }).limit(7)

This means you need to hit an index on position and _id.

# db.feed_items.ensureIndex({ position: 1, _id: 1 })

module Feed
  class Item
    index({ position: 1, _id: 1 })


You can use Mongoid::Scroll::Cursor.from_record to generate a cursor. A cursor points at the last record of the previous iteration and unlike MongoDB cursors will not expire.

record = Feed::Item.desc(:position).limit(3).last
cursor = Mongoid::Scroll::Cursor.from_record(record, { field: Feed::Item.fields["position"] })
# cursor or cursor.to_s can be returned to a client and passed into .scroll(cursor)

You can also a field_name and field_type instead of a Mongoid field.

cursor = Mongoid::Scroll::Cursor.from_record(record, { field_type: DateTime, field_name: "position" })


Fork the project. Make your feature addition or bug fix with tests. Send a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.

Copyright and License

MIT License, see LICENSE for details.

(c) 2013 Daniel Doubrovkine, based on code by Frank Macreery, Artsy Inc.


Mongoid extension that enables infinite scrolling with MongoDB.

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%