sbarisic / NuklearDotNet

.NET binding for the Nuklear immediate mode GUI

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[BUG] Force redraw will not occur if you don't have any input.

Donaut opened this issue · comments

Calling ForceUpdate or NuklearAPI.QueueForceUpdate functions will do not run until you provide some input. (mouse move or a keypress).

Reproduce the issue in the SFML example.

  1. First, comment out all the input codes.

  2. Inside the while loop use the NuklearAPI.QueueForceUpdate() function.

  3. Start Debugging and you will see that the IframeBuffered.BeginBuffer operation gets called 2-3 times and never again

Yes i read your previous post. But can't we do something about it?

Ah, yes, i see. I will try to fix it today. The problem is that i'm using direct memory compare with the buffer objects here

You don't need to do :D. Input event occur so often it's just not worth the pain.