sbarisic / NuklearDotNet

.NET binding for the Nuklear immediate mode GUI

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MonoGame implementation.

Donaut opened this issue · comments

Currently, I'm making an implementation for MonoGame. It's almost done but there is something wrong with the result. The texture corners don't have a strong line as in your SFML example. Also, the fonts have a little right shadow so they look blurred.

Any idea whats cause it?


What kind of texture filtering do you use? It should be point, not linear, and mipmaps should be disabled.

Ok, the biggest problem was the Blending state. I think Nuklear uses premultiplied alpha while MonoGame didn't.

Somehow I managed to solve the problem. If somebody has the knowledge why it's working please tell me.

Can you share your process of getting NuklearDotNet to work in MonoGame? I just cloned the repo and I can't even get the examples to build. Not sure how to start with MonoGame.

The errors when I try to build ExampleShared or Example_WindowsForms:

Severity	Code	Description	File	Line	Suppression State
Error	C1083	Cannot open include file: 'nuklear.h': No such file or directory	C:\Dev\XNA--Monogame\NuklearDotNet\NuklearDotNetRepo\Nuklear2\Nuklear.c	17	
Error	CS5001	Program does not contain a static 'Main' method suitable for an entry point	C:\Dev\XNA--Monogame\NuklearDotNet\NuklearDotNetRepo\ExampleShared\CSC	1	N/A

Edit: If it matters, I installed NativeLibraryLoader, which is given as a requirement in the original project.

@kriskeillor please check the new issue i opened about this