savetheinternet / Tinyboard

The better imageboard software

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12 errors?

Benspring100 opened this issue · comments

This is in the installing...

Category Test Result
PHP PHP ≥ 5.2.5
PHP PHP ≥ 5.3
PHP mbstring extension installed
Database PDO extension installed
Database MySQL PDO driver installed
Image processing GD extension installed
Image processing GD: JPEG
Image processing GD: PNG
Image processing GD: GIF
Image processing Imagick extension installed
Image processing convert (command-line ImageMagick)
Image processing identify (command-line ImageMagick)
Image processing gm (command-line GraphicsMagick)
Image processing gifsicle (command-line animted GIF thumbnailing)
File permissions /home/vhosts/
File permissions /home/vhosts/
File permissions /home/vhosts/
Misc Caching available (APC, XCache, Memcached or Redis)
Misc Tinyboard installed using git
There were 2 error(s) and 6 warning(s).

Warning: (Optional) convert was not found or executable; command-line ImageMagick image processing cannot be enabled.
Warning: (Optional) identify was not found or executable; command-line ImageMagick image processing cannot be enabled.
Warning: (Optional) gm was not found or executable; command-line GraphicsMagick (faster than ImageMagick) cannot be enabled.
Warning: (Optional) gifsicle was not found or executable; you may not use convert+gifsicle for better animated GIF thumbnailing.
Error: Tinyboard does not have permission to create directories (boards) here. You will need to chmod (or operating system equivalent) appropriately.
Error: You must give Tinyboard permission to create (and write to) the templates/cache directory or performance will be drastically reduced.
Warning: Tinyboard does not have permission to make changes to inc/instance-config.php. To complete the installation, you will be asked to manually copy and paste code into the file instead.
Warning: Tinyboard is still beta software and it's not going to come out of beta any time soon. As there are often many months between releases yet changes and bug fixes are very frequent, it's recommended to use the git repository to maintain your Tinyboard installation. Using git makes upgrading much easier.

Are they massivly important? Also how do I fix it?
Picture version:

Error: Tinyboard does not have permission to create directories (boards) here. You will need to chmod (or operating system equivalent) appropriately.
Error: You must give Tinyboard permission to create (and write to) the templates/cache directory or performance will be drastically reduced.

these two are errors. the rest is not that important.