sauradip / fewshotQAT

[BMVC 2021]: Official PyTorch implementation of : "Few Shot Temporal Action Localization using Query Adaptive Transformers"

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gtad_inference_fs_inductive py

lucky-23 opened this issue · comments


Hi, I followed the steps you gave which is
python --meta_learn True --shot 5 --multi_instance False
python --meta_learn False --shot 5 --multi_instance False
However, when I run the inference code, i am not able to create the output/results2 file that is needed for the postprocessing step. I was wondering if I missed out something?
Is this not the inference code? Sorry, I am confused.


Try changing this line for "results1" to "results2"

if not os.path.exists(opt['output'] + "/results1"):

When you run the mentioned inference file , it will create the "results2" folder

new_df.to_csv(opt["output"]+"/results2/" + video_name + ".csv", index=False)

Hence, this should be used during postprocess. SO it should be used by L362 and L365 in

I have resolved it now , kindly use the updated inference code and see if issue still persist!


Hello, thanks for the reply. I actually updated the inference code and the output/results2 file is created. However, the file is empty. It seems that the function findTAL(pred_q,gt_q,video_name) in L441 is never called and the code is terminated after saving the checkpoint in L314. I might be missing out something but I cannot find out what is wrong? Can you please look into this as well? Thanks once again!


Make sure this parameter is set as False

meta_learn = opt["meta_learn"]

Let me explain the process :
1) python --meta_learn True --shot 5 --multi_instance False

This step is meta-learning the transformer and the checkpoint will be saved , note that meta-learn param is set as True. This is essentially training during inference

2) python --meta_learn False --shot 5 --multi_instance False

This is the step where we do the actual inference after meta-learning is finished, here we use the learned transformer checkpoint and we do inference. Note that the meta-learn param is set to False. If in False, this will evoke Line 441 and save the results in "results2" folder.

3) python

This step is take the proposals from the "results2" file and does apply SOftNMS before evaluation.

Let me know if this helps, i guess you set the meta-learn True both times , so Line 441 is never evoked.


Hi, thanks for the reply
2) python --meta_learn False --shot 5 --multi_instance False

I actually set the meta_learn to False but still the actual inference is not done and "results2" folder is still empty. It seems that Line441 is not evoked even after changing the parameter.


Can you send me the output of this line

fg = logits[task][shot1][0].detach().cpu().numpy()

I can then see if it is actually some fault ! This issue did not occur to me or others


Hi, thanks for the reply and I solved the problem .
The output of L74 is as follows:

Also when I check the csv file, I found that the value of xmin is 0.0. Is this correct?
Also, the scores I got are:
Average mAP :0.30
mAP@0.50 : 55.54
mAP@0.60 : 45.30
mAP@0.70 : 34.03
which seems much lower than the results reported in the paper.

Hi ,

I don't think this should be 0 always , some issue with the training of model. Have you trained with the base class for 10 epochs ? before running the inference ? I am saying this because the code which we partly borrowed ( GTAD ) the author of that paper checked the code and got the score as reported in paper after training. Secondly as per I understand the metrics Avg mAP is 0.5 to 0.95 IOU avg, if you get 55% in 0.5 , 34 % in 0.7 , I don't think avg will be 0.3 % I think will be excess of 30 %.


Hi,the average score reported is 30.67% .Sorry,my mistake :) Also I trained the base class with 10 epochs as well before the inference. I will check the code and see if I made any mistake. Thanks for all the help :)

Hi,the average score reported is 30.67% .Sorry,my mistake :) Also I trained the base class with 10 epochs as well before the inference. I will check the code and see if I made any mistake. Thanks for all the help :)

After running the code, I also found that the value of xmin is 0.0. May I ask how you solved this problem? Thank you!!!