satyendra22 /

SBOM generated for .net project via cyclonedx

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SBOM generated for .net project via cyclonedx

SBOM generated for .net project via cyclonedx

  • Clone and complie project to generate CycloneDX.exe

    • Download cyclonedx-dotnet code and import to visual studio code
    • Unzip and use Visual Studio 2019 to open CycloneDX.sln. There are 5 projects in this program. Just compile (clt+sft+B) the CycloneDX project in it. Do not build or rebuild or compile the entire program, otherwise there will be a lot of errors.
    • After compilation we got CycloneDX.exe under project path [cyclonedx-dotnet\CycloneDX\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\publish\CycloneDX.exe]
  • Setup any .net project for generate SBOM

  • Use CyCloneDX.exe to generate BOM for the test plan

    • Syntax: CycloneDX -o <OUTPUT_DIRECTORY> (path is the directory of .sln, .csproj, .vbproj, or packages.config)
    • C:<CODE>\cyclonedx-dotnet\CycloneDX\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\publish> .\CycloneDX.exe C:<Proj-Code>project-aspnet-dotnet-webapp\SampleWebApplication -o C:<OUTPATH>\project-aspnet-dotnet-webapp\BOM'
    • BOM.xml is generated in output directory. generated file added for reference


SBOM generated for .net project via cyclonedx