sasojadrovski / SJFluidSegmentedControl

A segmented control with custom appearance and interactive animations. Written in Swift 3.0.

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iOS8 not be supported!

Jinkeycode opened this issue · comments

Your code is wonderful. Would you mind to support iOS8 ? Because many application must still support iOS8

I'm looking too!

It would be awesome to see SJFluidSegmentedControl working in iOS 8 too!

@unittesting0 I found that SJFluidSegmentedControl can work perfectly in iOS8 by dragging swift file into your project instead of using cocopods.

Hey @Jinkeycode @unittesting0,

Sorry for the late reply guys...

Yes, the library should support iOS 8 without any problems. I will update the pod as well, so you will be able to install it via CocoaPods. I will push the update in the following 2 days.

If you are using this library in your applications, feel free to send me their names and links from the App Store. I would be more than happy to include apps that are using this library in the README.

Once again, I am sorry that I have kept you waiting.


@sasojadrovski It doesn't matter, and so glad to receive your reply.My app's app store link is named 'Uread'.

It's my honor to be included in your library in the README. My app is using your library as personal profile page as below.
uread personal profile page

But this page is in my debug version, and will be publish to app store in the few days after apple's staff review my application. I wish you can add it to your README using the picture above before that.Thank you very much.

Hey @Jinkeycode @unittesting0,

As promised, I have updated my library to support iOS 8.0+. 🎉 Again, sorry that I have kept you waiting.

@Jinkeycode, I have also added your app to the "Apps using this library" section in the README. Please ping me once your app is approved by Apple. I would love to check it out!
