sasojadrovski / SJFluidSegmentedControl

A segmented control with custom appearance and interactive animations. Written in Swift 3.0.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Jinkeycode opened this issue · comments

Add supported to Swift4

There is a pull request for this which hasn't been accepted yet but only a few things needed changed syntax wise in the SJFluidSegmentedControl.swift file. Here is the updated Swift 4 project until the pull request is accepted. Alternatively, in your podfile you can add this to pull from my forked repo with the updates:

pod 'SJFluidSegmentedControl', :git => ''

Dear creator, or @lucaventura, could you kindly add support for Swift 4.2? I see errors, like 'bringSubview(toFront:)' has been renamed to 'bringSubviewToFront(_:)'

Thank you very much!