sasjs / template_jobs

Backend-Only Seed App for SASjs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

error in makedata#.log when running `npm run exec` as per README

TeMeta opened this issue · comments

msg=MakeData1 is executing
NOTE: Data set "WORK.example" has 1 observation(s) and 1 variable(s)
NOTE: The data step took :
      real time : 0.010
      cpu time  : 0.009

146       /* these file refs are configurable above */
147       %inc FREF1;
Start of %INCLUDE(level 1) FREF1 is file /home/jeremy/sasjs_root/sessions/20220924162116-62003-1664036476110/
148     +  proc sql;
149     +  create table &mylib..demotable1(
150     +          tx_from num not null format=datetime19.3
151     +          ,tx_to num not null format=datetime19.3
152     +          ,vara varchar(10) not null
153     +          ,varb varchar(32) not null
154     +      ,constraint pk_demotable1
ERROR: Column attributes are not supported
155     +          primary key(tx_from, vara));
End of %INCLUDE(level 1) FREF1
157       %inc FREF2;
NOTE: Statements not executed because of errors detected
NOTE: Procedure sql step took :
      real time : 0.001
      cpu time  : 0.001

The preceding SAS statements all executed successfully.
My setup is connecting to a SASjs server target called server
so -t viya was changed to -t server in package.json

  "scripts": {
    "add": "sasjs auth -t server",
    "deploy": "sasjs cbd -t server",
    "exec": "sasjs job execute jobs/extract/makedata1 -l sasjsbuild/makedata3.log -t server",
    "flow": "sasjs flow execute -s sasjs/jobflow.json -l sasjsbuild --csvFile sasjsbuild/results.csv -t server",
    "delete": "sasjs folder delete /Public/sasjs/jobs -t server",
    "docs": "sasjs doc",
    "test": "sasjs test",
    "lint": "sasjs lint",
    "prepare": "git rev-parse --git-dir && git config core.hooksPath ./.git-hooks || true"

also note that the log outputs in and still refer to makedata1

Hi @TeMeta - thanks for raising. I've fixed the constraint issue. About the log outputs - I suspect from your screenshot that maybe you are renaming the log output (makedata2 / makedata3) and not the corresponding input job

This is what you have above: sasjs job execute jobs/extract/makedata1 -l sasjsbuild/makedata3.log -t server

This is how it should probably look:

sasjs job execute jobs/extract/makedata3 -l sasjsbuild/makedata3.log -t server

Given that server is the defaultTarget you can also just run: sasjs job execute jobs/extract/makedata3 -l sasjsbuild/makedata3.log