sash-ko / embulk-input-jdbc

MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redshift and generic JDBC input plugins for Embulk

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JDBC input plugins for Embulk

JDBC input plugins for Embulk loads records to databases using JDBC drivers.


See embulk-input-mysql.


See embulk-input-postgresql.


See embulk-input-oracle.


See embulk-input-redshift.

SQL Server

See embulk-input-sqlserver.



  • Plugin type: input
  • Resume supported: yes


  • driver_path: path to the jar file of the JDBC driver (e.g. 'sqlite-jdbc-3.8.7.jar') (string, optional)
  • driver_class: class name of the JDBC driver (e.g. 'org.sqlite.JDBC') (string, required)
  • url: URL of the JDBC connection (e.g. 'jdbc:sqlite:mydb.sqlite3') (string, required)
  • user: database login user name (string, optional)
  • password: database login password (string, default: optional)
  • schema: destination schema name (string, default: use the default schema)
  • fetch_rows: number of rows to fetch one time (integer, default: 10000)
  • connect_timeout: not supported.
  • socket_timeout: timeout for executing the query. 0 means no timeout. (integer (seconds), default: 1800)
  • options: extra JDBC properties (hash, default: {})
  • If you write SQL directly,
    • query: SQL to run (string)
  • If query is not set,
    • table: destination table name (string, required)
    • select: expression of select (e.g. id, created_at) (string, default: "*")
    • where: WHERE condition to filter the rows (string, default: no-condition)
    • order_by: expression of ORDER BY to sort rows (e.g. created_at DESC, id ASC) (string, default: not sorted)
  • default_timezone: If the sql type of a column is date/time/datetime and the embulk type is string, column values are formatted int this default_timezone. You can overwrite timezone for each columns using column_options option. (string, default: UTC)
  • default_column_options: column_options for each JDBC type as default. Key is a JDBC type (e.g. 'DATE', 'BIGINT'). Value is same as column_options's value.
  • column_options: advanced: a key-value pairs where key is a column name and value is options for the column.
    • value_type: embulk get values from database as this value_type. Typically, the value_type determines getXXX method of java.sql.PreparedStatement. value_type: json is an exception which uses getString and parses the result as a JSON string. (string, default: depends on the sql type of the column. Available values options are: long, double, float, decimal, boolean, string, json, date, time, timestamp)
    • type: Column values are converted to this embulk type. Available values options are: boolean, long, double, string, json, timestamp). By default, the embulk type is determined according to the sql type of the column (or value_type if specified).
    • timestamp_format: If the sql type of the column is date/time/datetime and the embulk type is string, column values are formatted by this timestamp_format. And if the embulk type is timestamp, this timestamp_format may be used in the output plugin. For example, stdout plugin use the timestamp_format, but csv formatter plugin doesn't use. (string, default : %Y-%m-%d for date, %H:%M:%S for time, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S for timestamp)
    • timezone: If the sql type of the column is date/time/datetime and the embulk type is string, column values are formatted in this timezone. (string, value of default_timezone option is used by default)
  • after_select: if set, this SQL will be executed after the SELECT query in the same transaction.

Incremental loading

Incremental loading uses monotonically increasing unique columns (such as auto-increment id) to load records inserted (or updated) after last execution.

First, if incremental: true is set, this plugin loads all records with additional ORDER BY. For example, if incremental_columns: [updated_at, id] option is set, query will be as following:

  ...original query is here...
ORDER BY updated_at, id

When bulk data loading finishes successfully, it outputs last_record: paramater as config-diff so that next execution uses it.

At the next execution, when last_record: is also set, this plugin generates additional WHERE conditions to load records larger than the last record. For example, if last_record: ["2017-01-01 00:32:12", 5291] is set,

  ...original query is here...
WHERE created_at > '2017-01-01 00:32:12' OR (created_at = '2017-01-01 00:32:12' AND id > 5291)
ORDER BY updated_at, id

Then, it updates last_record: so that next execution uses the updated last_record.

IMPORTANT: If you set incremental_columns: option, make sure that there is an index on the columns to avoid full table scan. For this example, following index should be created:

CREATE INDEX embulk_incremental_loading_index ON table (updated_at, id);

Recommended usage is to leave incremental_columns unset and let this plugin automatically finds an auto-increment primary key. Currently, only strings and integers are supported as incremental_columns.


  type: jdbc
  driver_path: /opt/oracle/ojdbc6.jar
  driver_class: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
  url: jdbc:oracle:thin:@
  user: myuser
  password: "mypassword"
  table: "my_table"
  select: "col1, col2, col3"
  where: "col4 != 'a'"
  order_by: "col1 DESC"

This configuration will generate following SQL:

SELECT col1, col2, col3
FROM "my_table"
WHERE col4 != 'a'

If you need a complex SQL,

  type: jdbc
  driver_path: /opt/oracle/ojdbc6.jar
  driver_class: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
  url: jdbc:oracle:thin:@
  user: myuser
  password: "mypassword"
  query: |
    SELECT,, AS t2_id, AS t2_name
    FROM table1 AS t1
    LEFT JOIN table2 AS t2
      ON = t2.t1_id

Advanced configuration:

  type: jdbc
  driver_path: /opt/oracle/ojdbc6.jar
  driver_class: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
  url: jdbc:oracle:thin:@
  user: myuser
  password: "mypassword"
  table: "my_table"
  select: "col1, col2, col3"
  where: "col4 != 'a'"
    DATE: { type: string, timestamp_format: "%Y/%m/%d", timezone: "+0900"}
    BIGINT: { type: string }
    col1: {type: long}
    col3: {type: string, timestamp_format: "%Y/%m/%d", timezone: "+0900"}
  after_select: "update my_table set col5 = '1' where col4 != 'a'"


$ ./gradlew gem


MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redshift and generic JDBC input plugins for Embulk



Language:Java 99.3%Language:Ruby 0.7%