sascha1337 / terra-blocklist

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Terra CW20 Blocklist


With LocalTerra running and Terrain installed, you can deploy with the following command:

terrain deploy cw20-blocklist --signer validator

Interact with deployed CW20

First start the Terrain console:

terrain console

Then you can use the built in commands to interact with the deployed contract:

terrain > await lib.blocked('terra1dcegyrekltswvyy0xy69ydgxn9x8x32zdtapd8');
{ blocked: false }
terrain > await'terra1dcegyrekltswvyy0xy69ydgxn9x8x32zdtapd8', '100000000');
  txhash: '7C7152831C2F856D8F673ADBF0FC798D376E5BD0B278ED9DF3C857B9AA7C1475',
terrain > await lib.block('terra1dcegyrekltswvyy0xy69ydgxn9x8x32zdtapd8');
  txhash: 'E75EA60410F65588AD1ED45B39B7FF0A6F1CBED5A4F99EBE3C6F2'
terrain > await lib.blocked('terra1dcegyrekltswvyy0xy69ydgxn9x8x32zdtapd8');
{ blocked: true }
terrain > await lib.transfer('terra1x46rqay4d3cssq8gxxvqz8xt6nwlz4td20k38v', '1000');
Uncaught Error: Request failed with status code 400
    data: {
      code: 3,
      message: 'failed to execute message; message index: 0: Address is on the blocklist: execute wasm contract failed: invalid request',
      details: []



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