sarugaku / shellingham

Tool to Detect Surrounding Shell

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Doesn't detect powershell on win32

dopry opened this issue · comments

PS C:\Users\dopry> python
Python 3.10.8 (tags/v3.10.8:aaaf517, Oct 11 2022, 16:50:30) [MSC v.1933 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
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>>> import shellingham
>>> shellingham.detect_shell()
('cmd', 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe')

I've dug into this a bit more... I'm using pyenv which has a shim that wraps the call to python in a .bat script which uses cmd.exe.

For nt shells it may be better to not stop at the first shell you see, but to use the last shell in the stack, at least if you're looking for the interactive shell, maybe there should be a detect_interactive_shell(), the uses cases I'm looking at are poetry env shell and pipenv shell...

>>> import psutil
>>> import os
>>> proc = psutil.Process()
>>> parent_1 = psutil.Process(proc.ppid())
>>> parent_1
psutil.Process(pid=25652, name='cmd.exe', status='running', started='08:43:04')
>>> parent_2 = psutil.Process(parent_1.ppid())
>>> parent_2
psutil.Process(pid=3680, name='powershell.exe', status='running', started='07:37:02')
>>> parent_3 = psutil.Process(parent_2.ppid())
>>> parent_3
psutil.Process(pid=3664, name='WindowsTerminal.exe', status='running', started='07:36:59')
>>> parent_4 =  psutil.Process(parent_3.ppid())
>>> parent_4
psutil.Process(pid=23448, name='explorer.exe', status='running', started='2022-11-11 08:00:07')

I would categorise this as a bug in pyenv-win. They should not use Batch files for shims. Shims should be exe.

@uranusjr while I agree and find pyenv-win's shims and rehash are annoying, I'm not sure that it is possible with an exe. Do you know of an exe shim example you can point me to, maybe I can contribute some time to working on that.

From pyenv-win’s issue tracker pyenv-win/pyenv-win#352

Scoop also has a shim implementation that I personally like a lot, although it being in C# is probably a hurdle for a project adding a compilation step (I don’t think pyenv-win currently has any such dependencies).