sarriaroman / FabricPlugin plugin for Cordova or Phonegap

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Fails to install for latest cordova-ios version (5.0.1 and maybe 5.0.0)

814k31 opened this issue · comments

Installing with the latest cordova-ios version fails due to this error with cordova-fabric-plugin

Error Message: Failed to install 'cordova-fabric-plugin': CordovaError: Using "requireCordovaModule" to load non-cordova module "xcode" is not supported. Instead, add this module to your dependencies and use regular "require" to load it.

I believe Context.requireCordovaModule is now removed in cordova lib 9.0.0 which are used:

Also mentioned:
#141 (comment)

Seems to be fixed in the active pull request #154

And also in #153 ...

Same error here :/

Use this fork to add the plugin to your cordova app:

ionic cordova plugin add --variable FABRIC_API_KEY=[your fabric key] --variable FABRIC_API_SECRET=[your fabric secret]

The problem is that cordova-cli 9 changed the way to use xcode:

  1. Install node xcode module: npm install xcode
  2. Install the plugin from the fork above

Works on ionic cordova as well (tested).

I have this problem now. @jmprado your fork solved it for me. Thanks!