sarriaroman / FabricPlugin plugin for Cordova or Phonegap

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uncaptured error during startup

ciekawy opened this issue · comments

FabricPlugin is unable to catch one error during initialization (white screen shortly after splash screen).


I identified the crash/bug itself and was able to apply a workaround for the bug.
However on fabric dashboard for broken builds there is no even 'Launch' registered in beta - just "installed". I am sure the "launch" and errors should be both captured by crashlytics.
Even more - as for broken builds an app despite the error/stuck on white sreen - is able to detect a new build - thus I believe that error intercepting should be possible to be initialized earlier as well.

should this be considered as a bug/enhancment?

Working with Sapper and "graphql": "15.0.0" today and here we are!

Temporarily fixed by building with NODE_ENV=production. But something is broken I think. 🤕