sarriaroman / FabricPlugin plugin for Cordova or Phonegap

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exec proxy not found for :: FabricPlugin :: addLog

5Xtester opened this issue · comments

When I try this for Browser platform,
window.fabric.Crashlytics.addLog("about to send a crash for testing!");

I get following error: exec proxy not found for :: FabricPlugin :: addLog and exec proxy not found for :: FabricPlugin :: sendCrash.
But I read that the error comes for Browser platform but works for Android or iOS builds, so I tried that, but there are no logs created using addLog method and sendCrash method also doesn't works.

the only crash logs I am getting are through the Fabric integration in XCode or Android Studio.

Errors won't report in the browser. It has to have the native code to work. Have you tried running it on a real device or simulator/emulator?

Its cordova app, and I have written the code in js file. Yes I tried running it on real simulator and device. Got same error. Will I have to write in native code and access from cordova and back, or something like that?