sarkistlt / mongoose-schema-to-graphql

Use Mongoose schema to generate graphQL type.

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Generation of schema with array of refs to another collection doesn't work

dbayarchyk opened this issue · comments

If I have the following field type in mongoose schema

MySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    items: [{
        type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
        ref: 'Item',

And I want to generate graphql schema using this:

ExerciseType = createType({
    name: 'MyType',
    description: 'My schema',
    class: 'GraphQLObjectType',
    schema: MySchema,
    exclude: ['items'],
    extend: {
      items: {
        type: new GraphQLList(ItemType),
        resolve: (root, params, context) => {

I get the following error:

type with name "Item" doesn't exist,
but was specified as population reference.

As I understand when I exclude items field and extend this schema with my custom field it should skip generation of items and use my custom specification for this field

Hi, if you are using the same name of prop. you shouldn't exclude it, just add it to extend and that's it it will replace original one.

Thanks for your response, but I also tried your approach, but it didn't fix this issue.

ref: 'Item' is Item model specified? can I see the whole file? I never test referencing another schema by using ref: 'model name', but anyway it should just replace it. So if you can provide me the full example I can test it and see what's going on.


import mongoose from 'mongoose';

export const MuscleSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  name: {
    type: String,
    required: true,
    unique: true,
}, { collection: 'muscles', timestamps: true, versionKey: false });

export default mongoose.model('Muscle', MuscleSchema);


import mongoose from 'mongoose';

export const ExerciseSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  name: {
    type: String,
    required: true,
    unique: true,
  muscules: [{
    type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    ref: 'Muscle',
}, { collection: 'exercises', timestamps: true, versionKey: false });

export default mongoose.model('Exercise', ExerciseSchema);


export const ExerciseType = createType({
  name: 'ExerciseType',
  description: 'Exercise schema',
  class: 'GraphQLObjectType',
  schema: ExerciseSchema,
  exclude: ['muscules'],
  extend: {
    muscules: {
      type: new GraphQLList(MuscleType),
      resolve: (root, params, context) => {
          // Resolve code here.


export const MuscleType = createType({
  name: 'MuscleType',
  description: 'Muscle schema',
  class: 'GraphQLObjectType',
  schema: MuscleSchema,

ok can you try new version mongoose-schema-to-graphql@2.7.0 should be fixed, and don't exclude that field if you are using the same name in extend

Cool, that works, thanks for your hard work