sarahperea / WebGL-drawing-primitives-II

CMSC 161 (Computer Graphics) Exer 3, 2nd Semester AY 2015-2016

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Cat Drawing using WebGL

CMSC 161 (Computer Graphics) Drawing Primitives II Lab Exercise, 2nd Semester AY 2015-2016, University of the Philippines Los Baños

The task was to draw the jpg image using WebGL.

I made this in 2015 so the code's kinda messy, but this is soooo cuuuute so I posted it! <3

Here's the screenshot of the drawing using WebGL:


and here's the original image:


Which looks cuter? :D


CMSC 161 (Computer Graphics) Exer 3, 2nd Semester AY 2015-2016


Language:JavaScript 98.4%Language:HTML 1.6%