sarahm16 / workout-tracker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a simple app designed to track a users' workouts. The user's most recent workout will be displayed on the home page. The user then has the option of continuing that workout or beginning a new one. Each workout is stored in a mongo database as a document in a collection of workouts. When the user begins a new workout, a blank schema/model is added server side to the database. A unique id is given to this empty workout, and the date is added to the object. Then when the user adds exercises to the workout, the workout is found in the database using Workout.find({}) by id in server.js, and then the array is modified to include the new exercises, and the workout is modified to include the new array. When the dashboard button is clicked in the navigation bar, the app displays the exercise stats for the week. This includes total weight lifted and duration by day. If the user is using the app from localhost, the data will be stored in local database. Otherwise, from Heroku app, data is stored in remote mongo database using mlab add on.

Technologies used

Mongoose (models/schemas)
Mongo database
Robo 3T (to establish connection to database)

How to start app from terminal

Type 'mongod' in terminal
Open Robo 3T, create new connection
Type 'npm install' command in terminal
Type 'node seeders/seed' if you would like to seed the database
Type 'node server' or 'npm start' to run app locally on localhost:3000
Use the app!

Link to Heroku app



Language:JavaScript 59.1%Language:CSS 22.6%Language:HTML 18.4%