santomegonzalo / react-electron-titlebar

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Changing the background color does not work.

bramvbilsen opened this issue · comments

It seems like the backgroundColor property does not function properly. The background is always black.
Code snippet:

<Titlebar title="Invoice Manager" backgroundColor="#ffffff" />

I'd expect the background to be white in this case, but it remains black.

I will take a look into this... thanks for reporting it!


@santomegonzalo this is fixed by wrapping ${props => props.backgroundColor} in quotation marks. Tested and confirmed it works. I'd submit a PR, but it's something so small that it'd probably be easier fixed by just notifying you. Also, componentWillUnMount is supposed to have a lowercased "m" in "unmount" (not sure if this'll actually affect lifecycle events)

This PR will fix it: #3

I will release the fix in about an hour... Thanks

Hi there,

I noticed that the new version wasn't published on npm. Any idea when it will be?

Many thanks

Hi @aabbccsmith I just pushed the changes on version 1.0.9

Works perfectly, thanks!