sanshibayuan / TorchSeg

Fast, modular reference implementation and easy training of Semantic Segmentation algorithms in PyTorch.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project aims at providing a fast, modular reference implementation for semantic segmentation models using PyTorch.

demo image


  • Modular Design: easily construct a customized semantic segmentation models by combining different components.
  • Distributed Training: >60% faster than the multi-thread parallel method(nn.DataParallel), we use the multi-processing parallel method.
  • Multi-GPU training and inference: support different manners of inference.
  • Provides pre-trained models and implement different semantic segmentation models.


  • PyTorch 1.0
    • pip3 install torch torchvision
  • Easydict
    • pip3 install easydict
  • Apex
  • Ninja
    • sudo apt-get install ninja-build
  • tqdm
    • pip3 install tqdm

Benchmark and Model Zoo

SS:Single Scale MSF:Multi-scale + Flip


Methods Backbone TrainSet EvalSet Mean IoU(SS) Mean IoU(MSF) Model
FCN-32s R101_v1c train_aug val 71.26 - BaiduYun / GoogleDrive
DFN(paper) R101_v1c train_aug val 79.67 80.61 BaiduYun / GoogleDrive
DFN(ours) R101_v1c train_aug val 79.63 81.15 BaiduYun / GoogleDrive

80.61: this result reported in paper is further finetuned on train dataset.


Non-real-time Methods

Methods Backbone OHEM TrainSet EvalSet Mean IoU(ss) Mean IoU(msf) Model
DFN(paper) R101_v1c train_fine val 78.5 79.3 BaiduYun / GoogleDrive
DFN(ours) R101_v1c train_fine val 79.49 80.32 BaiduYun / GoogleDrive
BiSeNet(paper) R101_v1c train_fine val - 80.3 BaiduYun / GoogleDrive
BiSeNet(ours) R101_v1c train_fine val 79.56 80.29 BaiduYun / GoogleDrive
BiSeNet(paper) R18 train_fine val 76.21 78.57 BaiduYun / GoogleDrive
BiSeNet(ours) R18 train_fine val 76.33 78.46 BaiduYun / GoogleDrive
BiSeNet(paper) X39 train_fine val 70.1 72 BaiduYun / GoogleDrive
BiSeNet(ours)1 X39 train_fine val 69.1 72.2 BaiduYun / GoogleDrive

BiSeNet(ours)1: because we didn't pre-train the Xception39 model on ImageNet in PyTorch, we train this experiment from scratch. We will release the pre-trained Xception39 model in PyTorch and the corresponding experiment.

Real-time Methods

Methods Backbone OHEM TrainSet EvalSet Mean IoU Model
BiSeNet(paper) R18 train_fine val 74.8 BaiduYun / GoogleDrive
BiSeNet(ours) R18 train_fine val 74.6 BaiduYun / GoogleDrive
BiSeNet(paper) X39 train_fine val 69 BaiduYun / GoogleDrive
BiSeNet(ours)1 X39 train_fine val 68.5 BaiduYun / GoogleDrive


Methods Backbone TrainSet EvalSet Mean IoU Accuracy Model
PSPNet(paper) R50_v1c train val 41.68(ss) 80.04(ss) BaiduYun / GoogleDrive
PSPNet(ours) R50_v1c train val 41.61(ss) 80.19(ss) BaiduYun / GoogleDrive

To Do

  • release all trained models
  • offer comprehensive documents
  • support more semantic segmentation models
    • Deeplab v3 / Deeplab v3+
    • DenseASPP
    • PSANet
    • EncNet
    • OCNet


  1. create the config file of dataset:train.txt, val.txt, test.txt
    file structure:(split with tab)
    path-of-the-image   path-of-the-groundtruth
  2. modify the according to your requirements
  3. train a network:

Distributed Training

We use the offical torch.distributed.launch in order to launch multi-gpu training. This utility function from PyTorch spawns as many Python processes as the number of GPUs we want to use, and each Python process will only use a single GPU.

For each experiment, you can just run this scirpt:

export NGPUS=8
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=$NGPUS

Non-distributed Training

The above performance are all conducted based on the non-distributed training. For each experiment, you can just run this script:

python -d 0-7

the argument of d means the GPU you want to use.


In the evaluator, we have implemented the multi-gpu inference base on the multi-process. In the inference phase, the function will spawns as many Python processes as the number of GPUs we want to use, and each Python process will handle a subset of the whole evaluation dataset on a single GPU.

  1. evaluate a trained network on the validation set:
  2. input arguments:
    usage: -e epoch_idx -d device_idx [--verbose ] 
    [--show_image] [--save_path Pred_Save_Path]


This project is under active development. So things that are currently working might break in a future release. However, feel free to open issue if you get stuck anywhere.


Please consider citing this project in your publications if it helps your research. The following is a BibTeX reference. The BibTeX entry requires the url LaTeX package.

  author =       {Yu, Changqian},
  title =        {TorchSeg},
  howpublished = {\url{}},
  year =         {2019}
  title={Learning a Discriminative Feature Network for Semantic Segmentation},
  author={Yu, Changqian and Wang, Jingbo and Peng, Chao and Gao, Changxin and Yu, Gang and Sang, Nong},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.09337},
  title={Bisenet: Bilateral segmentation network for real-time semantic segmentation},
  author={Yu, Changqian and Wang, Jingbo and Peng, Chao and Gao, Changxin and Yu, Gang and Sang, Nong},
  booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision},

Why this name, Furnace?

Furnace means the Alchemical Furnace. We all are the Alchemist, so I hope everyone can have a good alchemical furnace to practice the Alchemy. Hope you can be a excellent alchemist.


Fast, modular reference implementation and easy training of Semantic Segmentation algorithms in PyTorch.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 93.1%Language:C++ 3.8%Language:Cuda 3.1%