sanjarzayniev / git-demo

My Notes about GIT

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My Notes


Generating SSH keys

# press enter, enter ...

NOTE: id_rsa (private key), (public key)

After this:

  • Go to the github settings page.
  • Navigate through SSH and GPG keys section.
  • Click Add new SSH key (or like) button.
  • Then paste contents of file.

NOTE: You can get it by cat ~/.ssh/

  • Then save, and clone your repositories.

Cloning git repo

git clone username/repository
# via SSH
git clone

Useful Git Commands

See what files added/modified and deleted.

git status 

Add changes, e.g You created file named main.cpp and you wanna add it.

git add main.cpp

Or you made some changes on, and you wanna update it.

git add

Or you want to add ALL FILES.

git add .

Then, I may prepare your changes to PUSH github.

git commit -m "what kind of updates you made" 
# -m message

WARNING Do not write commit messages like "Update, Add, Some ...". Write meaningful commit messages, it helps you to move through your changes.

Then PUSH all of your changes:

git push


My Notes about GIT