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Live Preview With NextJS/Sanity

dsosborn opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to implement the new preview functionality on an existing project in a very simple way on the home page. It works fine until I actually put the PreviewProvider on the HomePage page.tsx file. I get this error:


You're importing a component that needs next/headers. That only works in a Server Component but one of its parents is marked with "use client", so it's a Client Component.
Learn more:

 1 | import { SanityDocument } from "next-sanity";
 2 | import { sanityFetch, token } from "$/utils/sanityFetch";
 3 | import { mainNavQuery } from "$/utils/groq-queries";
 4 | import { draftMode } from "next/headers";
   : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 5 | import PreviewHome from "./_components/PreviewHome";
 6 | import PreviewProvider from "$/utils/PreviewProvider";

Am I missing something? Here's the code on src/app/page.tsx:

import { SanityDocument } from "next-sanity";
import { sanityFetch, token } from "$/utils/sanityFetch";
import { mainNavQuery } from "$/utils/groq-queries";
import { draftMode } from "next/headers";
import PreviewHome from "./_components/PreviewHome";
import PreviewProvider from "$/utils/PreviewProvider";

export const TestComponent = ({ code }: { code: {} }) => (
    <main className={"theme__background"}>
        <h1>This is a humble start.</h1>
        <pre>{JSON.stringify(code, null, 2)}</pre>

export default async function Home() {
    const posts = await sanityFetch<SanityDocument[]>({ query: mainNavQuery });
    const isDraftMode = draftMode().isEnabled;
    if (isDraftMode && token) {
        return (
            <PreviewProvider token={token}>
                <PreviewHome posts={posts} />

    return <TestComponent code={posts} />;

Still not sure what the above issue was, but as this next/sanity preview landscape seems to be changing rapidly, I had success following this starter template:

Yeah, App Router itself has been changing itself. We can then either choose to rapidly keep up with it, or stagnate 😅
In any case, we'll always keep our templates up-to-date with what's current best practice!