sanity-io / Syntax

A mod for the Syntax Podcast website

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Syntax Alt. Mod πŸŽ™

This is an alternative version of the frontend that uses as a backend. You can find the Sanity Studio in this repo. And get the data in your own project by running this migration CLI. The studio will work well with other podcasts too.

We added a listener so that the page updates live when something new is published. If you configure the @sanity/client with a token with read permissions you can preview changes live before publishing them.

⚠️ Note: We kept the original feed links on the page to keep anyone from picking the wrong one.

⚠️ If you fork this repo to use for your own stuff, note that we added a robots.txt to keep it from being indexed.

Live updates from the Studio

You can run this project locally. We have added CORS settings for localhost:3000 (🎧 check out the episode on CORS) .

Express.js πŸš€

If you run this site with the configured express-server (e.g. on now or heroku) it will also serve RSS and JSON podcast feeds on /feed/rss and /feed/json.

Netlify ✨

πŸ”— Learn how you can host a backed Next.js site on Netlify

This repo is also configured to run on Netlify and uses Netlify Lambdas to produce the RSS and JSON feeds behind /.netlify/functions/rss and /.netlify/functions/json.

Visit site on Netlify: πŸ”—

Original description

A tasty treats podcast for Web Developers.

This is the site that runs β€” go there to listen to it!

This site is built on React and Next.js


  • Node 8.1.2 or higher


First you npm install

Then you npm run dev and visit http://localhost:6969.

Then you do some work.

When you are ready for prime time, you can just submit a PR to this repo and it will be deployed once it's accepted.

If you want to build your own version, just run npm run build and then I'd recommend deploying with now.


A mod for the Syntax Podcast website

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 98.6%Language:CSS 1.4%