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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool example not working as expected

schef opened this issue · comments


Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Describe the bug

When i run the async example i got the following output:

[2023-06-16 09:12:04 +0200] [5987] [INFO] 
  │                                Sanic v23.3.0                                │
  │                       Goin' Fast @                      │
  │                       │     mode: production, single worker                 │
  │     ▄███ █████ ██     │   server: sanic, HTTP/1.1                           │
  │    ██                 │   python: 3.11.3                                    │
  │     ▀███████ ███▄     │ platform: Linux-6.3.7-arch1-1-x86_64-with-glibc2.37 │
  │                 ██    │ packages: sanic-routing==22.8.0, sanic-ext==23.3.0  │
  │    ████ ████████▀     │                                                     │
  │                       │                                                     │
  │ Build Fast. Run Fast. │                                                     │

[2023-06-16 09:12:04 +0200] [5987] [WARNING] Sanic is running in PRODUCTION mode. Consider using '--debug' or '--dev' while actively developing your application.
[2023-06-16 09:12:04 +0200] [5987] [INFO] Sanic Extensions:
[2023-06-16 09:12:04 +0200] [5987] [INFO]   > injection [0 dependencies; 0 constants]
[2023-06-16 09:12:04 +0200] [5987] [INFO]   > openapi [http://<unknown>/docs]
[2023-06-16 09:12:04 +0200] [5987] [INFO]   > http 

The strange thing is that the openapi has the <unknown> part. When i try to call curl localhost:8000/ -X GET i get the result {"answer":"42"} but the following output from the sanic log is strange:

[2023-06-16 09:16:06 +0200] [6242] [ERROR] Exception occurred in one of response middleware handlers
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/schef/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sanic/request/", line 318, in respond
    response = await
  File "_run_response_middleware", line 17, in _run_response_middleware
    from asyncio.futures import Future
  File "/home/schef/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sanic_ext/extensions/http/", line 54, in _add_cors_headers
    _add_origin_header(request, response)
  File "/home/schef/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sanic_ext/extensions/http/", line 160, in _add_origin_header
    allow_origins = _get_from_cors_ctx(
  File "/home/schef/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sanic_ext/extensions/http/", line 151, in _get_from_cors_ctx
    value = getattr(request.route.ctx._cors, key, default)
AttributeError: 'types.SimpleNamespace' object has no attribute '_cors'

Is there a solution for this issue?

Code snippet

No response

Expected Behavior

No response

How do you run Sanic?

As a script ( or Sanic.serve)

Operating System

Arch Linux

Sanic Version

Sanic 23.3.0; Routing 22.8.0

Additional context

I want to be able use the server using asyncio.

You probably have Sanic Extensions installed, which is not compatible with a low-level form of running Sanic.

What is the motivation for running this way?